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You sit on the large wooden deck of a ship, starring longingly at the large ammount of mist currounding an island or some sort of thing.

You must have been staring at it quite hard, for one of the men hobbled over towards you. Patch over his eye, he flashed his golden smile at you.
"'Ello there, I see ye were lookin' at the island. Don't try goin' near, the mist will burn your flesh and blood. Many have tried, and the ones who had made it never came back."

He chuckled to himself, and leaves off to mop up the kitchen. Suddenly the boat takes a sickening lurch and falls over to it's side, a wave trying to push it under.

You swim out, most of the sailors either drowning or crashing into the barrier. You try to swim away from the mist, but the tide is too strong and pulls you into it. Everything becomes hazy...

You wake up, to find a large island with a forest in the middle. A tall albino woman stood over you with a smile.
"Awake, I see. You got through the barrier alive? Hmm, you are welcomed here... and if you wish, you may explore. The animals and other sailors here will enjoy meeting you. Ah yes, this place is called Riquiyan, and I am the barrier's guardian. Well, I will see you around for sure..."

She then turns sharply and leaves you there, in wonder... suddenly you see there in a boat with no oars in it, a path that leads into the heart of the island (which is a large jungle), and the beach seems to go on for miles. Where do you decide to go next?

You decide to...

go into the jungle.
walk along the beach.
take a seat in the boat