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Celestial Reaches Flit Hunt!


The Flit Hunt is a key event of the upcoming Celestial Reaches Festival. Each participant will be assigned a distinct part of the weyr's surroundings to search. With a bit of luck, a flit clutch will be found and its eggs distributed throughout the weyr!


The contest will start at 10:00 NST Friday October 8th and go til 9 NST Friday night, to give everyone a chance to participate. The contest will take place on the regular guild board.

Winning and Judging

The winner will be judged by the following criteria: the best quality posts, and the most posts. The contest winner, the person who found the clutch, will be decided by Kiazu and Shippou. The winner will first be neomailed so that they will have a chance to post their character finding the clutch. They will also be contacted regarding the clutch's size and color.


The winner will be allowed to hatch half the clutch and give them out. Details will be decided between the winner and the judges.

Entering the Contest

You can include as many characters as you want in the search, but each name must be submitted to Anaran as a participant. If a name has been submitted but does not show up on this page within a timely manner, please feel free to scream at Anaran.

You can sign up to search with a friend, but please note that although you may work together, only the person who finds the clutch is the winner.

Sector Assignments

Person Sector
T'ron, AvaBeach Caves
Dejonne, KudoBeach
Tanil, IdonyEast Forest
SoralkUnexplored Caves