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Welcome to Angel of Light's Home


Angels are watching over you.
May angels rest beside your door,
May you hear their voices sing.

May you feel their loving care for you
May you hear their peace bells ring.
May angels always care for you
and not let you trip and fall

May they bear your up on angel's wings
May they keep you standing still.
May they whisper wisdom in your ears.

May they touch you when you need
May they remove from you each trace of fear
May they keep you from feeling greed.

May they fill you with their presence
May they show you love untold
May they always stand beside you and make you ever bold.

May they teach you the lesson of understanding
About life here and here-after
May they fill you always with their love
And give you the gift of laughter, harmony, balance and unity.

May you feel the Angels your best friends, the ones 

There is nothing to hide, nothing to fear, nothing to lose

May you always keep your Temple open to receive 

Unconditional Love from the Angels within you.

This web site is done to share with our brothers and sisters a little on different subjects that at times we search for information in different places. Hopefully this web site is going to grow and provide information based on research and self experience.

For each Brother and Sister that visit this humble place, our wishes of peace within and beauty surrounding each one of you.

Brightest Blessings and Safe Journeys, until your next visit :)


Earthly Path

Tree of Life






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