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what I am and my personally

You are Jack the Ripper. Yours were some of the
most brutal murders recorded in history--yet
your case is still to this day unsolved. You
came from out of the fog, killed violently and
quickly and disappeared without a trace. Then
for no apparent reason, you satisfy your blood
lust with ever-increasing ferocity, culminating
in the near destruction of your final victim,
and then you vanish from the scene forever. The
perfect ingredients for the perennial thriller. You are quite the mysteriously demented? eminem
You are..Eminem! You are pretty hardcore and very
original, you just need to chill out a little
cuz you're really pretty awesome and deep.

Which Rapper are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your element is Water: Understanding, intelligent,
quiet and calm. You know who you are and no one
can change that. Usually quiet but only because
your listening, don't let anyone think you
haven't got an opinion! Your not quiet because
your shy or sad, your usually quiet because
your thinking. Your answers are well planned
and helpful so people generally seek your
advice. Your the perfect balance between
solitary and outgoing. But sometimes you need a
little time to yourself to sort out your
emotions and figure things out. You understand
the phrase 'sticks and stone' and rarely let
things get to you, whats that important for you
to have to get so upset over? You know what you
want out of life but are simply taking your
time and enjoying things. To you your life is
fine as it is, you can always change things
later if your not happy.

.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla naga
The Indian snake creature known as the naga was
believed to reside in groups apart from normal
humans, and many legends tell of their secret
citites hidden deep in the jungle, underground,
or underwater. In many tales, the naga is often
of royal lineage, or sometimes even divinity.
Nagas are often associated with water, and it
is said that they can control the weather. As a naga, you possess strong leadership abilities,
you are highly intelligent, and you can also be
a bit intimidating. You also enjoy the finer
things in life and like to be pampered, and
you're not too keen on mixing and mingling with
the unwashed masses.

Who is your inner Shapeshifter?
brought to you by Quizilla ex v
You're a Vampire. Vampires were the creatures of
the night that were believed to live off of
human blood. Count Dracula, being the most
famous vampire, set the stereotype. They had
dark hair and pale skin from being away from
the sunlight. If they actually existed, it's
very possible they had the skin disease that
made you allergic to the sun so whenever the
sunlight would hit it, it would hurt like
crazy. They were usually snobbish and control
freaks and kept werewolves as pets. (If you
cannot see the picture, go to my userpage and
look near the bottom. There should be the
picture and description for all the results)

What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla ear twitch
Your like Inuyasha a cute half breed. Smart some
times but not all the time. You care for humans
but you never let anyone now your true

What kind of demon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Tis an ice dragon breathes...when the first snowflake doesnt melt....
Your an ice dragon! Congrats! Out of all the
dragons, you are most powerful but do not like
to show it. A rare and special creture, you
have artistic style and are great at expressing
yourself. You think friends and Familly are the
most important, and are a hopeless romantic.
But of course, as ice goes, you can be a little
cold or harsh at times. But not to worry, you
always apoligize later!

What elemental dragon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla svsvsvs're an interesting character. You're one
of those types who can really 'be seen
through.' People will automatically know what
you're trying to say and/or what you're
feeling. The funny thing about you is that you
like to scare others sometimes. You may tend to
surprise them with an act or phrase. You could
be considered weird, yet fun. You are also
clever and perceptive =) Happy Halloween,
See-Through One.

What Halloween Figure Are You? (MANY RESULTS WITH SIX ALL NEW ONES!!)
brought to you by Quizilla
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