This is defintately the month of 21st birthdays. Mookie started things off in a rediculous fashion as seen below.
Tina's 21st B-day in Philly:-)
The weekend that worlds collided. My favorite (only) sister comes to visit PSU.
It's about fucking time!! Big Al is the last of the boys to turn the big 2-1 and he goes about the occasion in style.


One of the many shots that Melissa took part in that night.

With a tightened fist, Mookie forces down this shot of

Goldschlager. Apparently, she doesn't remeber anything after this.

United for this special occasion, the rich girls Katie, Mookie and

Jennye, come to make sure Mookie gets properly trashed on this special day.

Preparing for their shots of Jose....

...the rich girls add more damage to Mookie's dying liver.

The walk home was definately the most intersting part

of this 21st birthday. With talks of being 1/4 gremlin or 1/2 gremlin...

...Mookie stumbles home not coherent @ all.

That following night, Mookie's 21st b-day party was quite a trip.

My darling sister had to come get me and of course i bit her and her jacket.


Along for the journey, my sister brought the HCBs (HardCore Bitches) Niki, Kirty, Laura and Cassandra.

Oh when worlds collide....Mookie and my sis.

Hmmmm it's midnight and where are we???

IN THE FUCKING CAR!! So much for drinking exactly when you're 21:-P

After finally getting a few drinks in her, Tina looks around for a piece of ass and grindz up on Lindz.

Luke and the not so drunk Tina...but all of that will change.

After pounding a few shots and gin and tonics,

Tina finally got on track for that 21st drunkeness.

Luke and an obviously annoyed Chipper.

The Egyptian Queen insisted on me taking this

picture to make sure everyone knows she's a terrorist.


That's right....the time is accurate. It's the only way you can start off St. Patrick's Day!

After having a few more beverages w/ KAT @ the Sports

Cafe, KAT decided to practice her bomb survival skills in the Sparks Building.

This would be the Phyrst Irish Pub. Glad to see

all the true drinkers @ State College coming out to celebrate.

Words just can't describe.

Of course what would St. Patricks Day be without spending

it w/ my two favorite irish/fire crotch friends Luke and Kat.

Yeah...looks like someone's too good for their cup.

This was also Kat's attempt @ showing her shamrock tatoo.

This is why I never where a hat.

Again, I don't wear hats.

I think Scott was getting too into the Irish

music @ this point and broke into an Irish jig.

This was a huge find for Dan. He found a cowbell in

the bathroom and played it until it got taken away from him.

So i blacked out from 6-11 but

managed to find an Irish Crab waiting for me when I got home.



Yes, this is my sister and I together and not fighting. A true rarity.

This would be her enterage AKA the HCB (Hardcore Bitches) left Niki, Kirty, Laura and Cassi.

The HCB got to go out on the town for the first time and also got the pleasure of experiencing that

which is Lupo. The only way he was controlled was by being shot by my sister several times w/ her pellet gun.

Attempting to light him on fire was also a tool of control.

Kirty being not so sober. Me not realizing we were taking a picture. Cassi looking bitchy.

You know when someone ends up in the gingerbread man suite, it's been a good night.

Apparently Cassi didn't know that the one thing you do not do

is abruptly wake me up. Where was that gun when i needed it.

Niki showing how multi functional a spatula really can be.

Later that night @ the party, Wendy consoles a very drunk Kirty

as Moni shows the world that Wisconsin girls just can't hang w/ PA guys.

Even though this was the 2nd time they met, Lori actually gets to

see my sisters face and not her shoes since she was puking her brains out the night

b4 when they met. It still seems as if Lori still had problems focussing that night.

The resemblance is really uncanning isn't it? And oh yeah, Kirty's waisted.

This was when Moni could function before those

2 beers, tryin to get a little somethin from her beau Danny.

I hope Curt found what he was looking for.

This is Tommy realizing that Duke isn't good.

Nothing like some more puke on the ol' web page but this

time it isn't Adam. Kirty above paying homage to the poreclain god.

Kirty and Moni, dead to the world.


When you see a party hat made out of an empty case of natty, you know you're @ the right party.

This was Lind's 21st birthday and it trully shows just how sloppy she can

get needing a piggy back ride from Tina. Also, Cameron is the sexiest thing ever!!

And speaking of sexy things....Lupo loves it when girls get

down and dirty....Shar and Alana showin off what the Oxford girls can do.

Seeing the girls got Lupo a little excited so he decided

to drop trow and give it to Tina the only way she likes it.

One guy just isn't enough. Let the tag team begin.

Apparently girls aren't enough for Lubas. I can't even tell who that

poor bastard is and I don't think Lubas could either nor did he care.

After a few shots, Al's ready to take on whatever anyone brings him.

Mikey attempts to bring him closer to GLORY w/ a few more shots to add to the list.

AHHH yes....questioning his abilty to walk to the bathroom @ this point, Al begins to feel it hit him.

Yep, it's sure not fun to swallow your own puke but this was truly the save of the night.

Obnoxious as we already were on a Monday night, Weezer's

"Say It Aint So" came on and the group sing along began annoying everyone within ear shot.

Here we have Al playing the game "Spill the beer on the

drunk jackass" Clearly, he was the winner and Dan let it be known.

Al's last shot was a toast to our unicorns.

Always a classic occasion.

Al's last drink was all smiles.....keep in mind

these two share a do the math.

MMMMMM....that's some good projectile vomit!

Al showin he's still money...Let the journey home begin!

Al attempting to do some calisthenic-side to side stretching

while taking a wizz in front of Old's a tremendous accomplishment considerring his condition.

Being totally out of control, Al attempts to insert himself into the globe.


I definately don't know too many people who have attempted to jerk off a fire hydrant.

Al humping the South Halls sign as he yelling FAAAGGG to every person who walks by.

Finally making it home, Al dumps a cool, refreshing cooler of

ice water on himself right before being shot by pellets and passing out.



April Pics