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The Prefect Lounge

Welcome to the Prefect Lounge!

The bath is in the room to your left, the books and study area are in the corner and the notices and activities are right here. Choose your spot and settle in, expecially after a hard day of classes and students who don't understand the meaning of the word r-u-l-e.


Welcome to the new and improved Prefect Lounge!!! I know It's still a bit bleak but I'm working on it. If you send me any pics, comics or stories to do with Harry Potter, I shall be happy to put them up in random spots of the site, thus making it a more interesting place!

Also, If anybody has some pics or anything, links or whatnot. I would love you to tell me, seradarkness, since I know that this site looks rather blank.


10/11/03 Competition!

(I've made it easier.) Answer the following questions, the winner will be notified via neomail - deadline next week

Weekly trivia. (this week, first book)

1. What length is Harry's wand?

2. What length's were his mother and father's wands?

3. What breed was Norbert?

4. Who was accused by McGonagall for setting off the shooting stars when Voldermort died?

5. What length was Voldermort's wand?

6. What two cards does Ron need?

7. What was Snape's riddle to get past the fire?

8. Who said: "We could be killed, or even worse, expelled."?

9. What type of bean was Dumbledore supposed to have eaten as a child?

10. What type of bean did Fred and George claim to have eaten before?

Mail me with the answers to the trivia, and email me at with any other random stuff I've mentioned.