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pivot. 1. a shaft or pin on which something turns.

2. a person, thing, or factor having a major or central role, function, or effect

3. The action of pivoting.

PIVOT is a praise and worship service held in the UPPER BUILDING at the Church of the Good Shepherd every Sunday night at 6 p.m.  Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.  All baptized Christians walking with the Lord are welcome to take part in Communion.

CURIOUS or SEEKING?:  Come worship with us, you will be warmly welcomed!  Have questions about God or just need prayer?  Stay after service and ask somebody on our worship/prayer team. 


From the North: Take 805 South to Bonita Rd / E St. Exit

Make a left onto Bonita Rd

We are located at 3990 Bonita Rd. (Caddy Corner to Jack 'n' the Box)

From the South:  Take 805 North

Exit onto Bonita Rd / E St.

Make a right onto Bonita Rd.

We are located at 3990 Bonita Rd. (Caddy Corner to Jack 'n' the Box)



Are you a teen?  We have a great youth group. All teenagers welcome.  Email Lee for more information: