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Casey's Photo Album

Casey's Photo Album

Under Construction

Yes, I am a monkey... That's me at the Avenue of the Boulders... I'm being a monkey...

This site was inspired by my best friend, who also has a photo album on the internet. I finally got a scanner and so I decided to put everything scanable up on a website. This one is dedicated soley to pictures of my friends and family. There will be pictures of us at our finest moments, memories that should not be lost, and pictures that we don't know why were taken. So sit back and relax and enjoy our story through pictures.

My Family

My Friends

The above links are the only ones that work right now. Just thought I'd let you know...

Our Finest

Other Pictures

November 2, 2005
It's been a really long time since I worked on this site. I kind of forgot about it. Anyhoo... it's going to look kind of choppy for a bit since I'm redoing it. Hopefully I won't forget about it this time and actually get at least one page complete by the end of the month. *crossing fingers*

December 30, 2004
I just rediscovered this site and now have a ton more pix to put up and it will take a long time because my computer is tempermental... I think I will start putting up pix of my friends as well as family members.
March 31, 2004
I've finally started finishing my Family page. Yeah, tons of pictures to put up. Hopefully, it won't take so long to do... Hopefully... I've got lots of pictures of my friends though, so I'll probably start working on that page here pretty soon. Lots of work... butt... going...numb...!
December 31, 2003
I've got a whole hell of a lot of new pictures that as soon as they are developed I'll put up. I'm also gonna finish up my Family's page... When I'm done with that page I'll work on the others. Whenever I get on the computer that is....

Try visiting these other sites! ^_^

Anime Scores
Erienne's Fan-Fictions and Fan-Art Page
Shoshi's Art
Shoshi's Album

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at