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These people mean more to me than anything in the world.

Boy! Thanksgiving break, 2005.
The hair is getting longer, and much straighter.
He took me to see The Marriage of Bette and Boo at his highschool.
I got to meet all his weird friends.

Boy! Summer, 2005.
We went to Long Beach to see the tall ships with Kyle.

Two veiws of a philosophical conversation. Thanksgiving, 2004.
Dad and Elizabeth, a long time family friend who teaches philosophy and logic classes at the local community college.

Mom spent the entire day in the kitchen, like every Thanksgiving.
She made three pies for dessert! (except the one in the box in the picture)

Most recent picture of my sister, Malia! Yay!

Tommy, Sans Souci Beach, Hawaii. Summer of 1996.
He's straining to see the islands on the horizon.

Here, mom holds Tommy on her hip as he searches for fishies
with daddy's face mask. Isn't he cute?

Well, we can't get them to both look at once, so here is a slightly
better shot of my mom.

Stringing leis in grandma's backyard in Honolulu. Malia, is hidden
behind Tommy. I'm the goofy looking one on the right.

Sitting on the curb at Queens Beach, eating shave ice.
Malia's in this one, on the far right.

Dinner at Horan and Suzie's. They're old family friends and the coolest
pair of old fogies you'll ever know! Suzie's on the left in the foreground,
Horan is in the back on the right. Both are artists and have been together
forever and a day. Hawaii wouldn't be Hawaii without them.

Ok, left to right: Mom and her crazy hair style, Tommy, me, Grandma Maggie, Grandpa Jack, and Malia. Grandpa's house in Carmel, 1997.

Malia, Tommy, and me at the stable museum in San Juan Bautista, 1997.
Why so grouchy all the time, Malia?

Dad and me, sitting on the stone banch in grandpa's back yard.
My dad has always been my role model.

Grandpa and me standing by a really neat pelican sculpture in his back yard.

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