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Bats Day in the Fun Park
Disneyland, CA 2005

Official count: 1,313 at the Mansion and 1,800 goths total!

Left to right: Dana, me, Shawnee.
Bad picture, I was unknowlingly dumping water on Shawnee's boobs.
She certainly noticed though....

Much better picture, though we're struggling not to laugh.

Kyle stole my parasol. He looks so happy, too.
Shawnee and I are plotting our attack.

I'm not sure what Dana's doing with her tongue, but Shawnee seems to like it.

Blurry picture of me and Jay in line for the Haunted Mansion.


Picture with the Evil Queen!

Bri looks so hot and tired.
Shaun is hiding.

Jay attacked Eyore. He so sad looking...

He's all over the characters this time... I'm not even sure who this one is.

cute...............................scary...............................ok, enough pictures!

Us girls in line for the Indiana Jones ride.

In line again (or still), Dana escaped.

In addition to the characters, Jay had to have
a picture with the tallest girl we saw all day.

Kyle looking angry again, Bri's all excited about the rope.
I can't even look at the right camera.

This is the trash can. He is the awesomest.
He alone is reason enough to go back to Disneyland.

Everybody loves the trash can.
Did I mention he is Dana's boyfriend?

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