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O/our Passionate Journey

In the end,
it will be Me who will be standing there
Holding your hand, comforting you
Listening to you, holding you
My friend, My confidant
My lover, My little one

The passion of the journey....
Binds the souls involved....

Passion has bound....
O/our two souls as O/one.
Love sustains U/us.

she is with Me....she touches all of Me....she is a part of Me.
I love you baby!
Every moment of every day takes U/us further on O/our journey of shared passions and learning.

Love and Power

I am so alive with you.
The story is you.
It is born of you.
You fill Me. you touch Me.
you ARE Me....and I am you.
Do you feel you sense that....the O/oneness.
I taste it.
I know it.

I LOVE you.

I have My girl.
The girl I want and need and crave.
My passionate angel....whom I love with all My heart and soul.