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Under Construction!!!Spyder's Page

Welcome Welcome! Come in, Come in! Would you like a spot of tea? Or perhapes a piece of Blueberry Pie? Oh you don't want anything? Ohh, you just want to look around my site! I see I see! Most people come here for that,*sighs and makes a sad face* Not many people stay here to talk to me, but ohh well, I can't make them, my magic is for fighting only. Hoo-Hum.

My site is not fully up and running just yet, but feel free to look about the place. I have some really good Graphics, that are all hand made.If you have any comments that you would like to tell me about, just E-mail me: .I will be sure to get back to you and answer any of the questions or anything you need.

Well I must be off now,beings you came here for the Page and not me. Ohh Don't feel bad! You can come back next time to visit and chat with me, eh?

This is a poem that I found that I feel in love with, that made me think of the one I love, when he left for a while..But he did come back..

My heart skips a beat, my beath is weak My mind goes numb and I can no longer speak. My eyes have cried and my heart has cracked You loved me once but won't come back I think of the days I gazed in your eyes as you gazed in mine How I wish I could freeze that moment in time When I was still yours and you were still mine I thought we were strong enough to make it through I guess one and one doesn't always make two For you went on your seperate way Left me here for another day.. And now you walk like I was never there While I still sit here and stare To daydream of the happy times that will may never come .....