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Writer's Realm

My name is Ashley. I designed Writer's Realm for people who write just for the heck of it. My goal of the site is a place for people to submit finished (or unfinished!) works to be put on the website and people can compliment and criticize your work.
The below links will let you either navigate through my site or connect to other people's sites. Please submit your own links!

Links Through My Site
Guidelines - Please Read!
My Stories

Other Links (not fully edited)
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hey - guess what! I took a quiz (link below) and found out that...
You are Captain Jack Sparrow!
Captain Jack Sparrow~You are Captain Jack Sparrow!!
You are a true pirate and would go to any
lengths to get your ship back. You go around
with a lot of girls, but you are capable of
true love. Plus, your strange, but cute image
of black eye make-up, dreadlocks, gold teeth, a
beaded beard, and many layers of clothes makes
you strangely handsome!

brought to you by Quizilla