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No War in Iraq for Students

Reasons Not to go to war

No War links

ANSWER coalition {Act Now to Stop War and End Racism}
MECAWI | Michigan Emergency Committee Against War in Iraq
Middle East Realities... the truth about the region
Information on the April 16th School Walk-outs
A good guide for student organizers!

This site is under construction, so there is not much here! I am Matt Dlugokinski, a freshman at my high school in Michigan. Please give your support to the anti-war movement! For students, there will be a sweeping walk-out across the country on Wednesday, April 16, 2003, at 10:00 am local time, in protest of the war. go to for more information on how to participate. Thank you for your support of this site and of Anti-war movements across the country and internationally. Remember to check back periodically for updates and more information from me about various issues! UPDATE 3.11.03 12.50 PM EST: We are trying to get as much publicity as possible for the april 16 school walkouts, i am working with the Oakland Press, a local newspaper, to get a story out. STUDENT ORGANIZERS: DO ANYTHING THAT YOU CAN TO GET THE WORD OUT ABOUT YOUR POSITION AND THE WALKOUT IF YOU PLAN TO PARTICIPATE! THE MORE PEOPLE WE GET TO DO THIS THE BETTER. UPDATE 3.11.03 4.50 PM EST: The administration at my school says that its illegal to walk out in protest. I am in the process of contacting the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for assistance with the matter. I suggest that any students who think like me should do the same if you are encountering resistance from the staff of your school. UPDATE 31103 7.30 PM: i got a response from the ACLU branch of michigan. they said that walking out is not illegal, but it would be within the school's rights to discipline students involved. CRAZY!!! well, we're still walking out! p.s. i just sent an email to the detroit free press editor. I hope that we can get more publicity. UPDATE 3.17.03 11.29 PM EST: still no response from the free press, im really mad. good job protesting this weekend. remember walkouts start on april 16 at 10 am! UPDATE 32403 1130 EST hi people... well were at war... how stupid is this... the woman at the media center at school kicked me out for not doing school work. Why can't we work on webpages? School rules are so lame. ne way... did ne one watch the oscars last night...? Michael Moore make some excellent comments about the president and his policies and how "ficticious" they are. i never got a response from the writer from the oakland press, so i dont know what kind of publicity we will get for the walkout. 4.6.03 WE GOT AN ARTICLE OUT!!!! IT WAS ABOUT STUDENTS PROTESING AROUND OAKLAND COUNTY!!! WALKOUT SOON : 4.16! Add Me!
