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The New World Forum

Welcome to the New World Forum! The (NWF) is a site dedicated to all the teenage peoples of the world for just about anything! Please keep in mind that this site will change frequently, so check-up on it occaionally. Also, any and all ideas would be greatly appreciated. Please to contribute your ideas. These can include but are certainly not limited to ideas about new topics, new activities, and general site improvement. This is a talk site, but I hope that it will be one that discuses the most pressing issues of our time, but just about anything can and will be presented here to the best of my ability. Anyone anywhere may contribute, but I ask only that the contributors demonstrate proper respect for all the other contributors, thier ideas, and the site in general. Thank you for your cooperation and I hope that this is an enjoyable, constructive site for all! -Steven Williams (M. Aeos)-
