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Nearly one-third of Taypan lies north of the Artic Circle. Taypan has 60,000 lakes, the largest are Imarijärvi, Saimaa and Päijänne. Major Rivers are Neälven, Tormuonio, Kemijoki, and Ahvenanoulu. The terrain is hilly and tall mountains are found in the extreme northeast. 80 percent of Taypan is forested. The forest are mainly coniferous except in the south were aspen and maple are found. Wildlife include dragons, wolfs, arctic foxes, reindeer, and other creatures. Otters, seals, and whales are found in the Gulf of Vatanajökull and the Sea of Taypan. The climate of Taypan is less severe as might be expected. The average July temperature along the southern cost is 60°F in February the average is about 16°F. In the North temperatures can get down to -45°F during the winter, during the summer months teamperatures are in the 40’s. Precipition average is about 20 inches in the north and about 28 inches in the South. Light snow covers the ground for three to four months a year in the South and about six months in the north. The people of Taypan are very kind and peacful, but they do show a great deal of anger when prevocated. Taypenese speak Dalvík which is like Icelandic and Finnish. Taypan has small army a navy of mimes and regualr citizens. The artwork of The Flag of Taypan (below) was created by Tim Burton.