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Our flag

Population: 1,123,123
Sq. Miles: 1,596,872
Colors: Rainbow
Bird: Crow
Capital City: Amandapolis
National Anthem: "Imagine"~John Lennon

Prime Minister: Amanda

Our country prides itself on peace and harmony, but has one hell of a military in case of attack. The Amandian armed forces consists of the blood thirsty dark creatures of our nation(also known as hobos from the mall parking lot). For the most part, they are not seen as not to mar the beauty of our country. They have great training camps underground and have the ability to fly out and fight whenever necessary.

While our military busies itself with the concern of the protection of our peaceful country, our nation's citizens live in a main state of happiness and peace. They are very ignorant, but ignorance is bliss. My people are very blissful. It's a lovely place to visit on vacation, for their is good weed and friends indeed. Here there is no such thing as bad drugs. There's an overabundance of the hemp plant and it's a good trading resource. It's not encouraged, but is not illegal if done at home. Our island is a drug-free island(with the exception of the ganja). But we must repeat we do not encourage it, we just believe that making it illegal is just asking for trouble.

Music you will hear booming in people's cars consists of artists such as Nirvana(hey we can't be happy ALL the time), The Beatles, John Lennon, Bob Marley, The Cure, and others. Rap is frowned upon, but this being a free country, is allowed.

The greatest adviser ever, Fimbley Fum!

'So, which one of us is the father?'
Some of our nation's people...or maybe just some hippies I found on Google.