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Nekkedd's Boyfriend Application

Your full name:

Your email address: (e.g.:

Your home page or site is...

How old are you?

When is your birthday?

Make it easy for me.. what is your sign?

I have two kids, does that freak ya out?

Do you have problems with people of other races?

To you spirituality is..
going to a church or participating in an organized religion
hugging a tree
finding your inner spirit and developing your gifts
I think I saw a ghost once

Are you married right now?

Were you married previously?

If so how many times?
more times then I want to remember

Do you have any kids and how many?

If so do you remember their names and birthdays?

Work? School? Between Careers? Lazy Bum? Who me work?

Elaborate on that...

Your first vehicle was a ...

Your present vehicle is ...

What do you wantt to be when you grow up?

Are ya cute?

Got neked pictures that you are willing to share?

Any piercings?
ear or ears
eyebrow or lip
nose on the side
nose through the septum

Describe any tats...

What is your favorite thing?

Are you serious or fun and playful?

What would you like to have me cook for you?

And what would you cook for me?

Are ya good or evil?

Do you really think you can handle me?

Can ya dance?

Can we listen to my music whenever I want?

Can you put up with my singing?

Are there voices in your head that tell you to do things? If so how many?

Do they have different names?

Do you like to be spanked?

Any other fetishes? If so name them...

Any that you are too shy to say..

Are you sure that's it?

Are you really sure you can handle me?

Are you a member of any sex club?

Approximate your IQ..

Do you know what mensa is?

Are you loud during sex?

Anything else ya wanna add?

Are you sure?

Okay this is the end.. say something to make me smile...

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