natalie's profile page

updates and such:

the new 'tallica sucks...badly.
i'm worried about athaliah/tori.
i hate father's day.
i added a cool pink scrollbar thing.
my xanga is no longer a blog. i just post poetry and songs on there...because livejournal is more kvlt...
i sent strong bad an email.
i learned how to make links underlined AND overlined.
i can play lip gloss and black by atreyu on la guitarra.
i've been going tanning... can you BELIEVE IT?!
i'm really just trying to make enough text on the page so you can see the scrollbar.

i really like this picture:

that guy just looks amazing... btw... the band is still life if you were wondering.

+navigate you muthaz!+
photo gallery
i am so street
amanda's sexy site
my xanga
my livejournal
free the wm3!