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My Online Photo Album
Hey my name is Kelly, and I'm sorry about the picture just figuring this stuff out, one day I will have it look right But please feel free to explore my photo Album page

That's my boyfriend Eric, and I when we went camping in Bumblefuck NY, I have no idea what town we were in, but we stayed in a hunting cabin and I had the time of my life... once again I'm sorry about the picture size

I know we both look like utter poopie in this picture, but it's the only one i have of him that I can post online, one day I'll get more of us on here... it's on my to do list

Kelly's Online Photo Album

My roommate, Milene and I on our picture day in our Dorm at FDU! My hair looks sooo damn long! Aren't we just the sweetest most innocent looking girls in the world?

I know the truth you don't have to answer that one

That's the whole suite! Me, Milene, Parul, and Ridhima! we make up 410S of the Park Ave Res Hall! The best suitemates EVER!!

Just an ordinary group of SHAME FREE College girls I assure you... more pics to come I have to go to class now