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My Books For Sale

Hey! Looking to save money on books? Buy these from me. They are all brand new or like new. All that's missing is the shrink wraps, otherwise I'd sell them back to the school's book store. Oh well...see any of them that you like, e-mail me and I'll give you a great price. A much better price than you will get anywhere, I promise. And if you do, I'll sell you mine for the other price. I'll update this as new books become available with the ending of each semester. Hope to hear from you soon, Amanda.

If you were looking for another book, e-mail me and ask me. I have a bunch of friends who have books to sell as well. Let me know and I'll contact them.

If you want to post your books to sell on here as well, e-mail me and I'll hook you up.

All Books are BRAND NEW!
