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(Ok so their some crappy pictures, give me a break. I'll work on getting them better. Trust me; they looked better on the power point page. I'm sure you can read the squares as is.)

Click the squares on your game window that correspond to the red ones here. Don't worry, its proportional. This guide doesn't help you get those  bonus coins and stuff, but you'll get plenty of points overall. The point ratio is 1 game point = 4 Neopoints. Not bad. Oh well, enjoy. I'll improve this throughout the day, its only 21;10 pm. I should fix the crappy images by the end of the day. Maybe spruce up this page with some HTML. You'll see how it winds up. Hope what very little i have here could help. Not that I think it would or anything, but I'll hope. Go play now. UPDATE! the images dont load, ha ha ha, thats not good. I'll get right on fixing that. well I guess I'll just fix that with the rest. I'm breaking for lunch, not that someone would notice cause no one knows baout this crappy site. Just use the password for now. thanks.

Level 1- You can do all of these it first, you don't need to worry bout overlap


Level 2- There's some overlap, got to do these one at a time.

Level 3- No overlap, go for it.

Level 4- No over lap, Go ahead.

Level 5- Overlap, hold off on doing them all.

Password for level 5- 6AU821