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NB: This section is always under construction when I have the free time to add more spells.
Welcome to the shadows section- this is where all the spells are. Before you begin browsing, it is important that you read the following before proceeding.
  • How to cast a circle
  • Always include Spirit/Angels in your spells
  • Respect the energy you are manifesting and take it seriously
  • Remember the 3 fold law
  • "An ye harm none, do as thy will"
  • When using candles make sure they aren't near furniture and are on suitable non-flammable objects (e.g. a glass plate)
Right... we all done there? Good. Oh, one last thing I don't include any of the following spells:~
  • "Black" spells/magick
  • Love spells which attract a certain person That's all really, I don't believe in "black" magick by the way- 1: is because of the 3 fold law and 2: if you really think black magick exists then you really need to do some research then eh?
    I think that certain love spells manipulate someone's free will and when the spells are cast the opposition are basically under a spell and forced to like/love you and it's not fair. Just think of someone of the opposite sex that you realllllly don't like, or just want to be friends with... now imagine that one day you wake up and you don't know why but you're totally "in love" with this person.
    Always, always, always remember the 3 fold law. Do somehing bad, it returns to you 3 times worse. Do something good it returns to you 3 times better.

    *evil grin* now that I've made you read through all that above, we can *finally* get to the spells! Click on the one you want.

    :Healing spells:
    :Personal spells:
    :Money spells:

    [These will be sorted soon]

    Blessing a book
    "Hearken as the Witch's word,
    Calls the Lady and the Lord
    Moon above and earth below
    Sky's cool blue and sun's hot glow
    In this night and ready hour
    Fill these pages with thy power
    May no unprepared eye to see
    The secrets which entrusted be
    To I who walk the hidden road
    To find the hearthstone's calm abode
    Guardians from the 4 directions
    Hear me and lend thy protection
    May these truths of Earth and Skies
    Shielded be from prying eyes
    But to the witches who map this be
    May the way be plain to see
    And through all the coming ages
    May we find home in these pages
    So mote it be!

    Ridding negative thinking
    "O Goddess within;
    O God within;
    O Goddess of the moon, the waters and the earth;
    O God of the sun, the forests and the mountains;
    I need to feel your presence
    I need to be reminded of you
    Assist me to remember your lessons
    Show me the key that will unlock my spirituality
    Blessed Be!

    Lending strength
    NOTE: This spell drains away your energy because you are obviously lending your energy to someone else. When chanting this just make sure you are somewhere where, if you do collapse, it is safe e.g sofa.
    "By the power of the stars
    Channel my strength to [person's/animal's name here]
    Give [name] the strength they need
    If I am weak then let [name] be strong
    Give [name] my energy"

    Repeat until you are too tired to.

    -Not sure what this spell is called!-
    This ritual should carry over a 9 day period. Start on a Friday when there is a new moon if possible. Light a green candle and say 6 times: [everynight for the next 9 nights]
    "O Queen of Peace
    Shine Tine presence amongst
    Those of the family
    Spread Thy influence
    Throughout these hearts
    So all my reign
    In the joy of equanimity
    And the love of innocence"

    Protection Stone
    Find a high vibration stone and hold it in your hands. To know if a stone has a high vibration just go to your garden or park and pick up any stone, hold it in your hands and close your eyes and you should get a gut feeling or even feel the positive vibrations coming out of the stone. Then chant in a low voice while staring at the stone:
    "Stone, evil you shall deny
    Send it to the earth and stay
    Send it to the flame and sky
    Stone of power, protect me"

    Get someone to call you
    Get a piece of fine quality writing paper and inscribe the name of the person whom you wish will call you. Write it inside a circle twice so that the ends of the name meets together forming a circle.
    While doing this, imagine the person's face and why they are calling you and then put a needle through the center of the circle and place that by the phone.
    The call should come within 5 minutes, 5 hours or 5 days depending on how well the spell was performed.

    Ritual for peace
    You need a lot of heart and energy put into this one. Choose candle colours which you think would be suitable (look at Candle magick for colour guides), light it and chant:
    "From out of the dark and into the light
    A circular mark, a candle burns bright
    I look towards the sky... my song do I sing
    Spirits soar high and gifts do I bring
    I offer my all! My mind, I then clear,
    Hearken my call! I feel you are near!
    Candle burns higher; my spirits set free!
    Hotter than fire, this magick will be!
    Let magick come 'round, from under the ground
    To form with my sound and then to be bound
    Around me I feel the magick so real
    Before you I kneel the spell I cast now seal,
    Let all hatred cease! And let there be peace!
    These words I say, with magick away!
    This spell I send is now at an end
    Let the magick I've laid go forth and never fade
    So mote it be."

    Artist's inspiration spell
    Gather a pen/pencil/paintbrush according to what form of art you do, elmer's glue, silver glitter, almond/sage/vanilla essential oil, a white candle.
    Annoint the candle with the oil you have selected and using an athame or something sharp inscribe the name "Brighid" onto the candle and begin. If you wish not to invoke a diety, simply write down what art form you want to be inspired in. Light the candle and begin.

    Create your own wish bag
    Gather together felt/other cloth of your choice, silk threads/tall grass/hair/undyed cotton/something natural, small tumble quartz or any other with a specific vibration to you, a strand of your own hair, white/black/red or green candle wax which you have charged to send out vibrations of your wish.
    The cloth should be the colour of the type of wish you want to create e.g red for love. The bag must be hand-sewn with natural substances (that's where the silk threads etc. come in)
    Fill the bag with the small stone, a strand of your hair, the candle wax from the candle you have charged. You can also add personal small items as well if you think they would help. Sew the bag closed and then:
    Before you g to sleep, hold the bag in your hand and think of a wish. Charge the bag and then hang it over your bed or somewhere in your room. Meditate on your wish coming true and go to sleep.

    Reflection/Deflection spell
    Note:Only perform this spell if you suspect someone has cursed you or performed black magick on you.
    Gather together 1 black candle, your favourite incense, 1 bowl of salt, 1 bowl of water, a picture of your suspect and a mirror.
    Cast the circle and light the candle. Look at the picture and say the suspect's name 3 times while thinking of them as well. Then run the picture through the incense smoke while saying,
    "What ye send forth comes back to thee, by Air and the Law of Three!"

    Then run it through the flame of the candle, careful not to burn the picture and the repeat the words replacing the word "air" with "fire".
    After that, sprinkle water on the picture and repeat the chant replacing the word "air" with "water".
    Lastly, sprinkle salt on the picture and replace the word "air" with "earth".
    Place the picture facing the mirror and the black candle facing behind the mirror. Visualize all negative energy sent by the suspect returning to them 3 times more powerful and say:
    "What you send to me goes back!
    Three times light, three times black!
    What you reap, so shall you sow!
    From above and from below!
    Earth and Air, Water and Fire, help reflect, by my desire!
    I invoke the Law of Three
    This is my Will and it shall be!"
    Concentrate on the picture until the candle burns down and close the circle.

    Ring of protection
    Place the ring in the west of the room you wish to cast the spell in. Place around it shells and symbols of the water. Take the silver ring and in a shell filled with water, mix some salt into it. Say:
    "Creature of water, I beseech of thee
    Protection from harm is what I wish for me
    In to you this ring I place
    bind the protection well and to give evil chase"

    Leave th ring in overnight in the light of a full moon and in the morning, wash the salt water off and clear everything away and wear it.
    Should you wish to remove the spell, place the ring in the earth in the north and say:
    "With thanks for protection given I now wish this spell riven!"
    leave it there overnight in a window during a new moon.

    To get better vision

    Boil a little spring water with a pinch of saffron on a sunday, or wear gold rings in your ears

    Curing illness

    Before you go to sleep say: "I want to be healed while I sleep">

    Spiritual and physical awareness

    Light 2 candles- 1 to represent the physical body and mind and the other to represent the spiritual body and soul. Sit in a comfortable position with the candles in line by your sides. Stretch your 2 feet in front of you and breathe in and out. Relax.
    Now chant:
    "With each breath that enters my lungs
    It feeds my soul and re-energises it
    [Breathe deeply in and out 3 times]
    "Mimir, Guardian of a spring of wisdom,
    allow my spirit to be aware of all the needed,
    To be wise against harm and to be with the earth
    [breathe deeply 3 times]
    with each breathe that leaves my lungs it empties my soul of thee undeed."

    Blow out the candle and say "My physical body is aware now. My spiritual body is aware now"


    Can't open that darn jam jar? Chant this 3 times and try again:
    "Strength of day
    Strength of night
    Give me strength
    Beyond my sight"


    Stand/sit before a candle flame and visualise the fire bathing you with a glowing protective light. Chant:
    "Craft the spell in the fire;
    Craft it well;
    Weave it higher
    Weave it now of shining flame
    None shall come to hurt of maim
    None shall pass this fiery wall,
    None shall pass, No,
    Non at all"

    Help losing weight

    Do this during the waning moon. Carve the pounds you want to lose on the brown candle and visualise banishing all the weight.


    Gather 4 candles (yellow or white) a down feather and a quiet place.
    • Place the candles in a circle starting at East going to South, West and finally North
    • Enter the circle and sit facng north
    • Chant 9 times while holding the down feather in your non-dominant hand (left hand if you are right handed, right hand if you are left handed):
      "In the light I see
      In the dark I am blind
      In the world I walk
      In the circle I fly"
    • Callyour spirit guide to aid you
    • Clear you mind and feel the feather float in your hand and soon you should levitate as well

    Glamour spell- eye colour

    Gather a candle which you want to change your eye colour to and a pentacle (optional. Light the candles and sit in front of them and chant 3 times:
    "1 2 3 change for me,
    1 2 3 (present eye colour) to (new desired colour)"

    Then chant 3 times:
    "By the powers of 3 let it be seen"

    Visualise your eye colour change and check in the mirror. You, close family members and close friends may see past the glamour but it should fool other people for about 3 days. Depends how well the spell was performed.

    Head to success

    Gather a green candle, purple candle and a talisman of your religious symbol. Turn the lights off or dim them and place the green candle on one side of the room and place the purple candle on the other side of the room. Light the purple candle and with your talisman hanging from your right hand(which you would be wearing as a necklace after the spell), pick up the purple candle. *Be careful not to set fire to things!*
    Walk in a straight line across the room directly to the green candle and use the flame from the purple candle to light the green candle. Sit the candle down on the floor next to each other and then chant:
    "I walk forth without doubt and fear
    And success draws me near"

    Lay the necklace in front of the candles and meditate for a while on the success you want. And let the candles burn down and wear the necklace for success. When you walk through the door to interviews etc. imagine walking in the straight line.

    Bubble of protection

    If you want to perform this to protect a pet/loved one, have a photo of them and place it between the candles- don't set it on fire!
    Casting a circle is optional here. Gather white candles and that's it!
    • Sit down and relax. Breathe slowly and deeply and feel calm and peaceful
    • Visualize a beautiful white light around you like a bubble and imagine it shimmer and sparkle
    • Make it stronger and shine brighter and fill it with love and you know that it would protect you at all times
    • To protect a loved one, imagine the bubble around them
    • Imagine the bubble go back into you but still protecting you and slowly come out of the meditation
    • After a few tries at this you may not need the candles anymore

    What invisibility does is to help you blend into the background so no-one takes notice of you, leaving you the freedom to observe others. It doesn't mean that you can go rob a bank thinking that no-one can see you!
    Version 1: Close your eyes and imagine a white bubble around you. Now imagine it getting blurry around the edges. It continues getting blurry and blurry and fading into the background colours. Imagine that you are fading along with this light.
    Version 2: Close your eyes and feel the clothes on you, feel the air brush past you and chant "Light pass through and around me, no-one can see me" again and again. Feel that the air flows past you and you don't disrupt the gentle flow of the air, feel the air pass through your hands and feel it tingle slightly.