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Well let's begin, what's an element? Well Air, Water, Earth and Fire are elements. They are part of nature, the Earth and they guard and rule over certain aspects.
:More to come soon:


Water signifies the west and the colours linked to it are blue and purple. Invoke the Guardian of the West for love, transformation and motion.

Water is the element of purification, the subconscious mind, love and the emotions. Just as water is a fluid constantly changing, flowing, from one level to the another, so too are our emotions in a constant state of flax water is the element of absorption and germination. The subconscious is symbolized by this element because it is rolling, always moving, like the sea which rests neither night or day.

Ritual Work: Emotions, feelings, love, courage, daring, sorrow, intuition, the unconscious mind, the womb, generation, fertility, plants, healing, smell, absorbing, communication with the spiritual, purification, pleasure, friendship, marriage, happiness, sleep, dreams, the physcic, the inner self, sympathy, love, reflection, dreams and dream time, currents and tides of life, the power to dare and cleanse all things, inner knowing, vision quest, self healing, security, journeys
Places: Lakes springs and wells, ponds streams, rivers, beaches, bathtubs, swimming pools, showers, bedroom (for sleep), health spas, fountains, steam rooms, the ocean and the tides.
Energy Receptive: Feminine
Direction: West- the place of the setting sun. On the pentacle it is on the east point.
Name of west wind: Zephyrus
Ritual Forms: Dilution placing into water, washing away, bathing
Basic Nature: Flowing, purifying, healing, soothing loving, movement.
Types of Magick Ruled: Sea, Ice, snow, fog, mirror, magnet, rain
Colours: Blue (from the hue of the deep water) blue green, green, gray, indigo, black
Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Symbols: Oceans, lakes, rivers, wells, springs, pools, rains, mist, fog, a shell, a cup of water
Time: Twilight, dusk
Point in Life: Maturity
Season: Autumn- the time of the harvest when rain showers the earth
Magickal Tools: Cup cauldron goblet mirrors the sea
Spirits: Undines, Nymphs, Mermaids and Mermen who live in the sea, lakes streams and springs, and fairies of the lakes, ponds and streams
Stones or Jewels: Aquamarine, transparent or translucent, amethyst, blue tourmaline, pearl, coral, blue topaz, blue fluorite, lapis, lazuli, sodalite
Angel: Gabriel
King: Niksa or Necks
Sense: Taste
Incense: Myrrh Chamomile
Metals: Mercury (quicksilver) Silver Copper
Plants and Trees: Ferns, lotus, mosses, bushes, seaweed's, water lilies, willow tree all water plants, lettuce, rose, gardenia, generally flowers.
Animals: Dragons, serpents, dolphins and porpoises, fish, seals, and sea mammals. Water dwelling snakes, all water creatures and sea birds, cat, frog, turtle, otter, seal, most fish, and shell fish, swan, crab, bear
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaya
Gods: Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon
Attracted by: Water, washes and solutions


Fire signifies the south and the colours linked to it are red and orange. Invoke the Guardian of the South for creativity, destruction(!) and power. Fire is the element of change, will and passion. In a sense it contains within it all forms of magick, since magick is the process of change. Fire magick can be frightening. The results manifest quickly and spectacularly. It is not an element for the faint-hearted. However, it is the most primal and for this reason is much used. This is the realm of sexuality and passion. It is no only the "sacred fire" of sex, it is also the spark of divinity which shines within us and all living things. It is at once the most physical and spiritual of the elements.

Ritual Work: Energy, spirit, heat, flame, blood, sap, life, will, healing and destroying, purification, bonfires, hearth fires, candle flames, sun, eruptions, explosions freedom, change, sight, perception, vision, illumination, learning, weight rooms, locker rooms, saunas, love, passions, sexuality, authority, destruction, change, will, the will to dare, creativity, loyalty, force transformation, protection, courage, strength, higher self, success, refinement, the arts, evolution, faith, physical exercise, body awareness, work nurturance, vitality, self-knowledge, power
Places: Deserts, hot springs, volcanoes, ovens, fire places, athletic fields
Energy Projective: Masculine
Direction: South - the place of greatest heat.
Name of South Wind: Notus
Ritual Forms: Burning Fuming or smoldering of an image, herb or other object candles or small blazes
Basic Nature: Purifying, destruction, cleansing, energetic, sexual, forceful. Heat is a manifestation of this element.
Types of Magick Ruled: Candle, Storm, time and Star.
Colors: Red The color of flames Crimson Gold Orange White
Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Symbols: Lightning, Volcanoes, Rainbow, Sun, Stars, Lava, A heat object.
Time: Noon
Point in Life: Youth
Season: Summer - The time of Heat.
Magickal Tools: Dagger Censer Lamp or Candles Burned herbs or requests on paper Knife
Spirits: Salamanders, Firedrakes, the consciousness of flames
Stones and Jewels: Fire Opal, Red or Fiery, as in jasper. Volcanic, clear, as in quartz crystals. Ruby, Carnelian, Rhodochrosite, Agates
Angel: Michael
King: Djin
Sense: Sight
Incense: Olibanum, Copal, Cinnamon, Juniper
Metals: Gold Brass
Plants and Trees: Promtheus Vulcan as in Garlic, Hibiscus, Mustard, Nettle, Onion, Red Peppers, Cinnamon, Red Poppies, Stinging, thorny or hot plants such as thistle, chile peppers and bougainvillea, desert dwelling cacti, coffee beans, generally seeds Almond Tree, in flower.
Animals: Fire Breathing Dragons, lions, horses, when their hooves strike sparks snakes, cricket, praying mantis, ladybug, bee, scorpion, shark, phoenix coyote, fox
Goddesses: Brigit, Hestia, Pele, Vesta
Gods: Agni, Hepaetus, Horus
Attracted By: Candles, Lamps, Incense, Fire
Musical Instruments: Guitar, All Stringed Instruments


Air signifies the east and the colours associated with it are yellow, gold and light blue. Invoke the Guardian of the East for wisdom, intelligence and intellect. Air is the element of the intellect; it is the realm of thought, which is the first step toward creation. Magickally speaking, Air is the clear, uncluttered, pure visualization which is a powerful tool for change. It is also the movement, the impetus that sends the visualization out toward manifestation. It rules spells and rituals involving travel, instruction, freedom, obtaining knowledge, discovering lost items, uncovering lies and so on. It can also be used to develop the psychic faculties. Spells involving Air usually include the act of placing an object in the air or dropping something off the side of a mountain or other high places so that the object actually connects physically with the element. Air is masculine, being dry, expansive and active. It is the element that excels in places of learning, and which is at work while we theorize, think and ponder. Air rules the East because this is the direction of the greatest light, and the light of wisdom and consciousness. Its color is yellow, the yellow of the Sun and the sky at dawn. Air governs the magick of the four winds, most divination. concentration and visualization magick.

Direction: East - Place of Sunrise
Name of East Wind: Eurus
Energy: Projective
Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Ritual Work: The Mind, All mental, intuitive and psychic work, knowledge, abstract learning, wind and breath, inspiration, hearing, harmony, herbal knowledge, plant growth, intellect thought and growth, travel, freedom, revealing the truth, finding lost things, psychic abilities, instruction, telepathy, memory, to contact the angels, the ability to know and understand, to unlock the secrets of the dead, zen meditation, brainstorms, beginnings, illuminations
Places: Moutaintops and high mountain peaks, wind-swept plains and hills, cloudy skies, windy beaches, high towers, airports, schools, libraries, offices, travel agencies, psychiatrist's office
Colors: White Bright Yellow (of the sun, the sky at dawn) Crimson Light Blue Pastels
Ritual Forms: Tossing objects into the air Suspending tools in high places fanning light objects visualization positive thinking
Basic Nature: Floating, movement, fresh, intelligent, suspending. Sound is a manifestation of this element.
Point in Life: Infancy Types of Magick RuledDivination, concentration, visualization, wind magick, prophecy, karma, speed.
Time: Dawn
Season: Spring - The time of freshness.
Magickal Tools: Athame Sword Censer Creative Visualization Wand
Spirits: Sylphs, Zephyrs and Faeries who inhabit the world of trees, flowers, winds, breezes and mountains.
Angel: Raphael
King: Paralda
Sense: Smell and Hearing
Stones and Jewels: Topaz, light stones, such as pumice; transparent, such as mica. Yellow flourite, crystals, amethyst, alexandrite, yellow or blue stones. Rainbow Stones.
Metals: Tin and Copper
Incense: Galbanum, Frankincense
Plants and Trees: Frankincense, Myrrh, Pansy, Primrose, Vervain, Violet, Yarrow, Pungent, Dill, Airy, Finely veined or windswept; generally leaves. Lavender Aspen
Animals: Birds, especially the eagle and the hawk, raven.
Goddesses: Aradia, Arianrhod, Cardea, Nuit, Urania
Gods: Enlil, Kheohera, Mercurym Shu, Thoth
Attracted By: Oils and Incenses
Musical Instruments: Flute, all winded instruments
Symbols: Sky, Wind, breezes, clouds, breath, vibrations, plants, herbs, flowers, trees


Earth signifies the north and it's colours are green and brown. Invoke the Guardian of the North for growth, stability and fertility.This is the element we are closest to home with, since it is our home. Earth doesn'tnecessarily represent the physical Earth, but that part of it which is stable, solid, dependable. Earth is the realm of abundance, prosperity and wealth. While it is the most physical of the elements this is not negative, for it is upon Earth that the other three rest. Without Earth, life as we know it could not exist.

Direction: North - the place of greatest darkness.
Name of North Wind: Boreas, Ophion
Energy Receptive: Feminine
Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Ritual Work: The body, growth, naturem sustenance, material gain, money, creativity, birth, death, silence, rocks, standing stones, crystals, jewels, metal, bones, structure, night, riches, treasures, surrenderin self-will, touch, empathy, grounding, mystery, industry, possessions, conservative, incorporation, business, prosperity, employment, stability, success, fertility, birth, healing, combined forces of nature and it's bounty, material abundance, wisdom, runes, strength, practical wisdom, teaching, symbols
Places: Caves, canyons, chasms, forests, groves, valleys, fields, farms, gardens, arboretums, parks, plant nurseries, farmer's market, kitchens, baby nurseries, basements, mines, holes, mountains
Colors: Black Brown Green (from the color of living plants and fields) White
Ritual Forms: Burying, Planting Making images in the dirt or sand walking over miles of countryside while visualizing the need.
Basic Nature: Fertile, moist, nurturing, stabalizing, grounding. Gravity is a manifestation of this element.
Point in Life: Advanced Age
Types of Magick Ruled: Gardening, magnet, image, stone, tree, knot, binding
Time: Midnight,night
Season: Winter- The time of darkness
Magickal Tools: Pentacle and Pentagrams,salt
Images: stones,gems,trees,cord,magick
Spirits: Gnomes, Dwarfs and trolls who inhabit the interior of the earth and are the consciousness of precious gems.
Angel: Ariel
King: Ghob, Gob or Ghom
Sense: Touch
Stones and Jewels: Rock Crystal
Salt: Heavy or opaque, as in coal; green as in emeralds and peridot, onyx, Jasper, azurite, amethyst, royal azute, tourmaline,tourmalanted quartz or rutiled.
Metals: Iron Lead
Incense: Storax, Benzoin
Plants and Trees:Comfrey, Ivy, grains, oats, rice, rye, wheat, patchouly, vetivert, mosses, lichens, nuts dry and stiff plants; heavy low-growing plants; generally roots,Oak
Animals: Cow or bull, bison, snakes (earth-dwelling), stag, dog, horse, gopher, ant, burrowing animals, bears, wolf
Goddesses: Ceres, Demeter, Gaea, Mah, Nephthys, Persephone, Prithivi, Rhea, Rhiannon
Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Marduk, Pan, Tammuz
Attracted By: Salts and Powders
Musical Instruments: Drums, all percussion instruments
Symbols: Rocks and Gemstones, mountains, plains, fields, soil, caves and mines