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Name Nymph
Gender Female
Parents/Altar Unknown
Special Stats None
Circle None
Mate None
Offspring None


She could remember nothing from her previous life, nothing save the fact that her beloved bonded had found her, shortly after she had woke from a deep sleep, trotting aimlessly about the forest, desperately hoping to find some shred of familiarity. Nothing had come to her, and no matter how hard she and the Lady Talia tried to unearth her past, it still remained a big unknown. Even the identity of her parents eluded her, although she knew, deep down inside that she had loved them well. She vaguely remembered a sibling, and happy times filled with laughter and gentle rough-housing.

Although she was initially quite the morose house-guest, she quickly bonded, not only with the Lady Talia, now her bondmate, but also with the other Serians, although her soft spoken nature prevented her from sharing in the same sort of mirth that her bond-brothers and sister did. It was a warm atmosphere, and the closest thing to family that she would ever have, although she knew inwardly that it was not home.

The forest became her favourite haunt, and she could often be glimpsed weaving in and amongst the trees, so completely at one with her surroundings that it was often hard to notice her in amongst the foliage. It was then that her bonded coined her Nymph, naming the unnamed with a label that seemed so fitting.

You're like a little wood-nymph, she told her, skirting in and around everything, quiet as the gentlest wind, as soft footed as you are soft spoken.

Little might have been known about her past, but she was determined to forge a new one, much as her companions had, for they all had their own hurdles to overcome. And if the past finally caught up with her, then so be it. She'd face it head on, and bravely, and make her new family proud.