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When you need some amusment

You have just entered room "Chat 12394417240391833034."

jokersrEVOLUTiON: Hehhey

BlackStarx2: nm u?

jokersrEVOLUTiON: wtf?

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ??

jokersrEVOLUTiON: lolz, hey tess

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hehe

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: since when am i bob

jokersrEVOLUTiON: but, wtf?

oXMui Mui JaiXo: u'r bob

oXMui Mui JaiXo: shut up

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ??

BlackStarx2: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: .......::shuts up::

jokersrEVOLUTiON: tessy, all guys she doesnt care for remember their name for is bob

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: yup

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: wait.. .wasn't your name liek moe?

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: shhh

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: thats a secret

jokersrEVOLUTiON: ....??

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ..

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ...

oXMui Mui JaiXo: stupid bob!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::runs::

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::trips::

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: damnit!

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ....

BlackStarx2: ..?..

Danacuss has entered the room.

jokersrEVOLUTiON: tessy! whyd you leave

jokersrEVOLUTiON: omg, wtf

BlackStarx2: dan!

jokersrEVOLUTiON: hey dan!

Danacuss: ?

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ure welcome

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * stabs bob in the arm*

Danacuss: wat i do?

BlackStarx2: hi!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: back!!!, back!!!!!

Danacuss: hey there!

BlackStarx2: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: i pray to my god, (dan) save me from tess

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: she hurts me

Danacuss: so wats this "meeting" about?

Danacuss: hmm...

BlackStarx2: meeting?? where?!

Danacuss: i shall think about this prayer..

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: here

DeepBlueWisdom has entered the room.

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: this is the first meeting of the

jokersrEVOLUTiON: htere we go

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: uh

Danacuss: do u have a quarter?

BlackStarx2: garc!

Danacuss: i need one to answer ur prayer

DeepBlueWisdom: yes?

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: D.T.G.K.F.F. club

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * stabs bob and runs*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: yeah

BlackStarx2: i have a quarter..i think..*runs around until finds a quarter*

BlackStarx2: found 1

Danacuss: ah this'll do

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hahaa!!

BlackStarx2: lol

Danacuss: ok, i can save u know flusk

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::bob runs after tess, sees quarter along way, grabs from kim, throws at tess, runs away::

oXMui Mui JaiXo: AHH!!

BlackStarx2: lol

BlackStarx2: lmao!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::bob screams bloody murder, in fear::

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * catches quarter matrix style and stabs bob wit it*

Danacuss: *puts quarter in smiting machin, beam smites tess*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::o shit he trips::

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: damn u feet~~!!!

jokersrEVOLUTiON: ....everyones taking the quarter!!!!!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: stop it!!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: stop failing me!!!!

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hahaa!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: starts knawing on feet

BlackStarx2: thats my quarter!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ararrarara!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * takes a chain saw and cuts bob's legs off*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: HAHAAAAA!!!

BlackStarx2: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: thank you

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::looks at legs missing::

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ..........................

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

jokersrEVOLUTiON: god...! lolz

Danacuss: ...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lol

BlackStarx2: ur legs r gone!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lmao

jokersrEVOLUTiON: ooh, take his arms off too tess

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha!!

Danacuss: oh well...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: no

BlackStarx2: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: i fly!!!!1

jokersrEVOLUTiON: do it!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * cuts arm off*

jokersrEVOLUTiON: there we go!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: HAHA!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: i fly to the nearby roof

BlackStarx2: run with ur arms!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: *cuts wings off*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: uy miss

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hahaa!!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: u miss~~!!!

BlackStarx2: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: i have no wings

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * takes rope and ties him up*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: i propel from my ass

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: leave my ass alone!!!!!!

BlackStarx2: lol

DeepBlueWisdom: umm

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: its my only movment

jokersrEVOLUTiON: thats interesting

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: !!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ..

DeepBlueWisdom: g2g

oXMui Mui JaiXo: .garc...

Danacuss: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: fine...

jokersrEVOLUTiON: grc!

DeepBlueWisdom: im sry

jokersrEVOLUTiON: garcy*

jokersrEVOLUTiON: lol

BlackStarx2: byez gacr!

BlackStarx2: ah!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: w/e

BlackStarx2: garc*

DeepBlueWisdom: ill try to get bak

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: see ya garc

Danacuss: c ya

DeepBlueWisdom: bye

BlackStarx2: byez

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: i ran out of enter bars

DeepBlueWisdom has left the room.

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: it wouldnt let me type anymore

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: bob?

BlackStarx2: where?!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::hugs ass in fear::

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: wait i cant do that

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: i nhave no arms!!!!

jokersrEVOLUTiON: can try..?

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lol

jokersrEVOLUTiON: oh...

BlackStarx2: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: i hug with teeth

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lol

BlackStarx2: lmao

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: hahaha

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * lassos bob*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: no

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: no!!!!!!!!!!

BlackStarx2: where did the lasso came from?

Danacuss: ...

BlackStarx2: come*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: my ass

Danacuss: odd...

BlackStarx2: lol

Danacuss: ...................

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: i knew it!!!

Danacuss: i thought only i could do that

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::bob uses anti lasso technique::

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hahah

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::his head falls off::

BlackStarx2: u thought wrong!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha!!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lol

BlackStarx2: lol

Danacuss: lol

jokersrEVOLUTiON: wow...your all discombobulated

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: bob has a torso, i am the human torso

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: yes we are

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ...oOo!! u'r moe!!

jokersrEVOLUTiON: "hes gonna become retarted, do you want that?"

jokersrEVOLUTiON: "no no, I want him fully tarted!"

BlackStarx2: lol

jokersrEVOLUTiON: aahahaha XD

oXMui Mui JaiXo: no.. bob works much better

Danacuss: ...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: bobs torso rolls down th street

BlackStarx2: ..?..

Danacuss: lol

BlackStarx2: lol

jokersrEVOLUTiON: ....jesus, thats gotta be scary

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::bobs torso falls into a sewer::

jokersrEVOLUTiON: AUTOPSY~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BlackStarx2: lmao!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * stabs bob a few more times and gets bored*

Danacuss: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::floats down an underground river::

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::gets eatin by aligator

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * pokes at dead body wit long stick*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: my torso just got eatin!!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: no wait

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * stabs alligator*

BlackStarx2: *points & laughs*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: wait

oXMui Mui JaiXo: oOo fun!

BlackStarx2: haha!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: alligator throws it up

BlackStarx2: EWW!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: keeps floating down the river



BlackStarx2: lol

jokersrEVOLUTiON: would you just die already!?

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: where a giant dick awaits him

jokersrEVOLUTiON: stubborn..

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: this dick is called dave

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lmao

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: :-)

Danacuss: lol

jokersrEVOLUTiON: .....

BlackStarx2: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: hehe

oXMui Mui JaiXo: oh! yea! u'r the one WITH the dick and not THE dick

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: yeah

jokersrEVOLUTiON: lmao

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: BlackStarx2: my cat is a god!

BlackStarx2: lmao!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: cat god! da da da da da cat god!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::friends, this is where the story of bob ends::

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * slits bobs... vains*

BlackStarx2: aww man

Danacuss: ...

jokersrEVOLUTiON: dude...

BlackStarx2: it waz getting so0 good 2

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * rips out vains*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::librarian closes book, "so how did u like it children", sees kids in aww, satring in shock at librarian

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * eats it*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: hehehe

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: yumm...

jokersrEVOLUTiON: you ate the librarian!?

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: and now

oXMui Mui JaiXo: spagetti

BlackStarx2: u did save me any!

Danacuss: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lmao

oXMui Mui JaiXo: no.. the vains...

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hehe!!

jokersrEVOLUTiON: ~.~

oXMui Mui JaiXo: no!! * runs*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: she ate the librarian

BlackStarx2: lol

Danacuss: dfhgfdhg

oXMui Mui JaiXo: i didn't not not kill her!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: cough!!

jokersrEVOLUTiON: AND your veins?!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: in dans direction

oXMui Mui JaiXo: rfgbhuyrdh

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: bob..... i' msry.. but... u'r like dead...*shoots bob*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: see

BlackStarx2: *stares @ dan with a confused look*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: and now, dun dun dun, Bob "the sequal"

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha!!

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: *kickd bob in the balls*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: so anyway bob is walking down the road

BlackStarx2: lol

jokersrEVOLUTiON: oooh....oh, wait hes daed.

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: cough, im sorry rolling

oXMui Mui JaiXo: fun to watch them squirm

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: down the road

Danacuss: ur an ass *delayed reaction*

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ....

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: when a street cleaner sucks him up, who is the driver, none other then tess

Danacuss: btw that was to flusk

Danacuss: lol

BlackStarx2: lol

Danacuss: hey i'm bringing val into the convo ok?

BlackStarx2: sure

oXMui Mui JaiXo: kk

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: this book is rated R, for Retardedly Stupid as hell

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hahaaa

Danacuss: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: anyone with a full brain capacxity please leave the caht

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * runs over bob's arm*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: that would be im guessing kim and faye

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * runs over bobs leg*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: but u can stay

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: no!!!!

paradis craz has entered the room.

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: leave scallion!!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hahaa!!

BlackStarx2: lol



paradis craz: REEEINA!

Danacuss: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * runs over bob's other leg*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: no

Danacuss: ...

Danacuss: poor bob

BlackStarx2: okie

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: rarararar1!!!!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: bites tess back

Danacuss: ............

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: oh whats that, bobs a biter!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hi new person

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: yes he is

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: he fights back now!!!

paradis craz: u tess?

Danacuss: hmm...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: becuase hes, dun dun dun, robo bob

oXMui Mui JaiXo: !! * bites bob and rips his other arm off*

Danacuss: yup

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: no!!!!

BlackStarx2: heyz val..

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Danacuss: lol

BlackStarx2: lol

paradis craz: lol who's blackstar?

BlackStarx2: kim

paradis craz: ohh hey

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: bob shoots poiseness gophers out of his new arm at tess

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: yeah deal with that!!!

Danacuss: lol!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ... y is my computer juss playing commericals from no where...

paradis craz: haha Danacuss: go robo bob! BlackStarx2: lol SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: yes robo bob can regenerate too

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: haha!!!

Danacuss: *tess dies*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * stoots bob wit cheeze*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ha!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: my arm and legs grow back

Danacuss: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: no

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: not cheezE!!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: shut up dan!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: cheeze is robo bobs criptonight

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * smacks dans's other head*

Danacuss: *tess implodes from dumbness*

paradis craz: who's robo bob?

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::eats cheese::

Danacuss: ow....

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: yum

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: nooo!!!!!!!!

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: bob!! it was poisionious!

Danacuss: flusk...

Danacuss: duno y

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: hehehe!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: wait.. y am i killing bob.. i saved bob from canada...

paradis craz: thought so

paradis craz: hahaha

Danacuss: lol

BlackStarx2: yea!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: i'm tessy!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hello!

paradis craz: hey tessy, i'm val

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * bows*

BlackStarx2: tessy! what r u doin 2 bob!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hiya!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: i didn't do it!!

Danacuss: *tess dies from frost bite while in hawaii*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: yeah welll what u didnt no is that, robo bob shot many posioness gophers at you, who are now chewing at ure itnernals

jokersrEVOLUTiON: hey....are you sure your not in some type of limbo demention?

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha!!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: fend off the gophers ure ass fiend!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * gets dizzy from big words*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: hehe

jokersrEVOLUTiON: like...your not in some...non-real parallel demention and none of this is true?

jokersrEVOLUTiON: .......

paradis craz: lmao

jokersrEVOLUTiON: dun dun duuuuuuuun...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: (i dont no whre that came from)

Danacuss: ..........

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * walks in to a wall*

jokersrEVOLUTiON: tthe gophers?

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ow...

BlackStarx2: im confused!

Danacuss: wat the..

BlackStarx2: & lost!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: go gophers of death!!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * punches the wall cuz she think the wall hit her*

Danacuss: go gophers!

paradis craz: yea, i think i'll join u on that kim

BlackStarx2: lol

Danacuss: i like that part

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: robo bob transforms into his ultimate form

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: dun dun dun dun dundun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BlackStarx2: yay! im not alone!

Danacuss: i'm lost, but still enjoying it

BlackStarx2: lol

BlackStarx2: me 21

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: a giant albino baseball bat, with siameese pig wings

BlackStarx2: 2*

Danacuss: lool

paradis craz: that's why i'm laughing

Danacuss: lol*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: hahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!

Danacuss: lol

Danacuss: LOL!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: u cant beet that!!!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: tessys arm hurts... * rips it off* much better...

BlackStarx2: im laughing & im confused & lost!

Danacuss: ............

paradis craz: oww

Danacuss: wow

BlackStarx2: yes

BlackStarx2: scary isnt it?

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: no one beets the giant albino baseball bat with siamese pig wings!!!!

Danacuss: *tess explodes randomly*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ..

Danacuss: lol

BlackStarx2: ouch...

BlackStarx2: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: i swing at you with albinoness of siamese pig death

oXMui Mui JaiXo: y u alwsy pickin on me? * smacks dan's head wit a baseball bat*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: no

Danacuss: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: she controlls me!!!!

BlackStarx2: lol

Danacuss: ow ow ow ow!

paradis craz: haha

Danacuss: fool!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * pokes at the hole in dans head*

Danacuss: loser!

Danacuss: punk!

Danacuss: weed!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: weed

Danacuss: spine!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: spine

BlackStarx2: punk!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: blah blah

Danacuss: dweeb!

BlackStarx2: ?!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hahaa

oXMui Mui JaiXo: he said punk al;ready

Danacuss: ok i'm dun

BlackStarx2: punk?! where?!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: robo bob msut take drastic measures

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::falls asleep::

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Danacuss: .................

paradis craz: that's ur drastic measures?

BlackStarx2: *pokes bob with stick*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * shoots bob*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: wakes up ........ PIGMY'S!!!!!!!!!!

Danacuss: it figures...he falls asleep now...

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * pokes bob wit a bullet*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: hahahahahah!!!!!

paradis craz: haha

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * going really fast*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: eats tess' hand

Danacuss: not wen i needed it that one night!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: rar!!!

Danacuss: lol

paradis craz: true true

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ahhh!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: hehe

BlackStarx2: eek!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * makes bob throw up*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: runs away

paradis craz: they never go to sleep when u need them too.. tsk

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * takes hand*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: u cant

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * puts it on*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: bob is robo

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: no internal diseases

oXMui Mui JaiXo: stupid robo bob

Danacuss: *tess falls off a cliff that doesn't exist, only on mars, but she got there somehow*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * pours water on bob*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: shut it dan!!!

Danacuss: yup

BlackStarx2: lol

Danacuss: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: robo bob flys to mars!!!

BlackStarx2: bob go boooooooooom!

paradis craz: bon is defending tess!!

paradis craz: bob**

Danacuss: *robo bob stops at subway*

paradis craz: a mars?!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: dan... shut up.....* throws a pot of lobsters in dans pants*

paradis craz: at*

Danacuss: sdgfjkldhgfjldgfdhfa

Danacuss: HELP ME!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haaaa

Danacuss: IT BURNS LIKE COLD FIRE!!!!!!!!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: *points and laughs*

paradis craz: take pants off.. wait no.. ahh

BlackStarx2: hahah!

paradis craz: hahaa

BlackStarx2: lol

Danacuss: (hmm...

Danacuss: )

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ...

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ewww..

Danacuss: moving on...

BlackStarx2: .?.

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::robo bob uses his whistle, at that point his trusty 5 headed Monkey faced philipeeno hippo, go Artichoke!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: keep em on keep em on!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * covers eyes*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: artichoke saves the day!!

Danacuss: *tess likes her nose and then looks like this ';..;'*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hahaaa!!

BlackStarx2: haha~

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * tessy rips off dan's nose and feeds it to bob*

BlackStarx2: !*

paradis craz: ewww

Danacuss: y my nose!!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: wow even i must say my pet is a little odd

Danacuss: ???

BlackStarx2: eek!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hahaa!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: bob eats dans nose

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: yum

BlackStarx2: dan is noseless!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hahaaa

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: rara

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: more!!!!!!

BlackStarx2: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: leaps into the audience

BlackStarx2: eek!!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: grabs dan

BlackStarx2: bye dan!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: beets his head against a pole!!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: rapidly

Danacuss: *tess is hired as a midget slave in toby's world of spooky doom cause he stole her height. Tess dies while trying to reach the monkey bars*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: rar!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * slacks dan wit a spikey fish*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ...

oXMui Mui JaiXo: i'm not short...

Danacuss: ...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: bob eats the fish

BlackStarx2: eew

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: rar!!!!!

BlackStarx2: fish

Danacuss: *runs behind kim*

BlackStarx2: hey!

Danacuss: help me..

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: robobob picks up kim

BlackStarx2: *runs behind dan*

Danacuss: *pushes kim in his place*

BlackStarx2: ah!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: places her to the side

Danacuss: ...

BlackStarx2: ?

Danacuss: *runs*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: it coughs in dans direction

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: my purpose is fullfilled

paradis craz: haha

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: good bye

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * jumps on dan and bites his neck*

Danacuss: *really really fast*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: he disapates

Danacuss: ur an ass...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: rofl!!

Danacuss: lol

BlackStarx2: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: thats how it ends!!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: rofl

BlackStarx2: *stands there confused*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha

Danacuss: lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paradis craz: why the cough? always the cough..

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * hugs kim*

Danacuss: best ending!

BlackStarx2: yay!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * thros bob on dan*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lol after all that, robobob only wanted to cough at dan

Danacuss: !!!!!!!!!!!

BlackStarx2: hah!

BlackStarx2: lol

paradis craz: hahaha

Danacuss: i just spilled water on my shirt...and now i'm cold...and thirsty...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: so, "bob reborn"

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: hehehe!!!

BlackStarx2: what a great story!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: guys we should sell this tory

Danacuss: waaaaaaahhh!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: or did u pee on your self again

Danacuss: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: story*

BlackStarx2: lol

Danacuss: nope, it was the water this time

oXMui Mui JaiXo: oOo

BlackStarx2: o0o

Danacuss: lol

paradis craz: u sure about that :P?

oXMui Mui JaiXo: haha!!

BlackStarx2: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: dan probably spilt it yesterday, looked at it now and said, hahaha hey i just got it

oXMui Mui JaiXo: :p~

Danacuss: pretty sure...wait...uh oh...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lmao

paradis craz: lmao

Danacuss: lol!!!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hahaa

Danacuss: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

BlackStarx2: lmao

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * licks faye*

Danacuss: ...............

Danacuss: y!?!?

BlackStarx2: *takes a pic of that*

Danacuss: u ruined the good moment...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: i can just picture

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ::dan looks down, o yea, i just got it::

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: haha::

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: hahhaa!!!

BlackStarx2: *points & laughs*

Danacuss: lol!!!!!!!!!!!!

BlackStarx2: haha!

BlackStarx2: dork!

Danacuss: i just got that!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: haha

paradis craz: slow moment dan? haha

Danacuss: lol!

BlackStarx2: hehe

Danacuss: yup :-D

oXMui Mui JaiXo: rtgfuhkgfrujhfgruujhrfg

BlackStarx2: its okie dan

oXMui Mui JaiXo: i'm so aiya...

Danacuss: ok...

oXMui Mui JaiXo: garc isn't bak yet...

Danacuss: but ur not..

BlackStarx2: he lied!

oXMui Mui JaiXo: and i have to like ...go...

Danacuss: ur just dumb like a moose

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: no

oXMui Mui JaiXo: ..

BlackStarx2: or did he die!

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: who will hunt me!

Danacuss: ...

oXMui Mui JaiXo: shut up dan! i no i'm stupid shut up!

Danacuss: ok..

paradis craz: ...

BlackStarx2: ..?..

Danacuss: *cough cough* stupid *cough*

BlackStarx2: ?

oXMui Mui JaiXo: * smacks dan wit a tennis racket*

BlackStarx2: lol

Danacuss: *ow*

oXMui Mui JaiXo: tahts stupid for u

paradis craz: no! those are expensive!

Danacuss: ...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: dans head turns into a 2 dimentional figure

Danacuss: -_-

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: goes back and forth across the screen

Danacuss: ';..;' like this?

BlackStarx2: *points & laughs*

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: ricashaying back and forth

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: (pon)

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: pong*

Danacuss: ............................

BlackStarx2: lol

Danacuss: well sadly my fools i have hw to do...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: 40 ears later, dans in his rocking chair, hehe, i just go it

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lol

Danacuss: i gotta write down some random stuff

BlackStarx2: o0

Danacuss: lol

BlackStarx2: lol

oXMui Mui JaiXo: brbz

Danacuss: b back later

BlackStarx2: okiez

paradis craz: okie doke to both

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: so

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: BlackStarx2: s0o?

BlackStarx2: lol

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: so much random stuff

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: lol

BlackStarx2: yea

BlackStarx2: lool

BlackStarx2: lol!

BlackStarx2: oppd

BlackStarx2: err!

BlackStarx2: ...

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: im gonna save this chat\

SpAwNeDReSoNaNcE: like copy it wasnt that a fun waste of time =)