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Middle Earth

Frodo woke and found himself lying in bed. At first he thought that he had slept late, after a long unpleasant dream that still hovered on the edge of memory. Or perhaps he had been ill? But the the ceiling looked strange; it was flat, and it had dark beams richly carved. He lay a little while longer looking at patches of sunlight on the wall, and listening to the sound of a waterfall. 'Where am I, and what is the time?' he said aloud to the ceiling. 'In the house of Elrond, and it is ten o'clock in the morning,' said a voice. 'It is the morning of October the twenty-fourth, if you want to know.' 'Gandalf!' cried Frodo, sitting up. There was the old wizard, sitting in a chair by the open window.

It's a big house this, and very peculiar. Always a bit more to discover, and no knowing what you'll find around a corner. And Elves, sir! Elves here, and Elves there! Some like kings, terrible and splendid; and some as merry as children. And the music and the singing

If your interested in joining the community of Rivendell please email the address below.

Estimations of completion dates.

Completion of Great East Road April 30th.
Completion of The Misty Passes May 30th.
Completion of Trollshaws May 30th.
Completion of River Mitheithel May 30th.
Completion of the The Misty Mountains April 30th.
Completion of Game design March 30th.
Setup of council of Middle Earth April 30th.

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