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MarS eleMentalS


Fri,AuG. 29,2003 1:06: Hewwo everybody!!! I'm just workin on the other pages of my webby!!! uploadin sum pictures and bla bla bla so yea and don't 4get 2 sign mai chatterbox all the way at the bottom!!!!! im out!!!!

ThurS,AuG. 28,2003 11:59: Hey sUp? I'm tryin 2 add more pages 2 mai webby!! so many ideas but... anyWaYz sign mai chatterbox! its all the way at the bottom!!!

WeD,AuG. 27,2003 2:25: hey Every1! i haven't bin workin lately on this site cuz of mai xanga but now i will i changed mai mind bout wat the sites goin 2 b bout it'll just b my site...

WeD,AUG. 20,2003 10:58: SUP every1! I relli don't expect any1 2 b readin any of this anytime soon but later on ppl probably will. ANywAyZ i think i noe wat i'm goin 2 do bout dis site! Hopefully it'll work out! K gotta get 2 work!

Tuesday,AUG. 19,2003 11:23: Hey u guyZ! 2day i just started makin it webby! its sorta hard cuz i never relli have a lot of things 2 say! ANyz im thinkin bout wat this sites goin 2 b about and all that sorta stuff so.. it mite take awhile. ANy ways im OUt! Luv ya all!


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