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Pages Updated December 21, 2006

The Lord Jesus has blessed me in so many ways. I just want to dedicate this page to Him. If you do not know Him I pray that you will read about Him here and about all that He has done for us. He loves you and will do the same for you if you let Him!

The Bible tells us that we can know without a shadow of a doubt where we will spend eternity. Do you know where you will be? The choice is yours, but you must decide. Here are some guidlines to show you the way to theRomans Road.
Yeshua is the Messiah who was prophecied before His Birth. This is a comparison of the Old and New Testament Verses. If your religion does not believe in the New Testament, please read this. It will show you the Truth.
Jesus is so wonderful to me. He tells us we can soar as the eagles. I would like to share my Life Verse that He gave me, and a little of my testimony with you too!
Really now, tell me. Do we really need to define what a marriage is? See what God has to say about homosexuality and Same Sex Marriages.
Are you having trouble at work? Or maybe just "can't get along" with someone who seems to "be on your back" all the time? I did. But God showed me a way to overcome the anger and learn how to put on your armour and how to stand and fight.
Recently the Lord has blessed us with the return of our son from the clutches of despair and hoplessness. Outside influences can grab our children right out from under our noses. Read my story of Darkness and Depression and see how the deceiver got a hold of my son through "music" and how God restored him whole.
Recently I talked with someone about Heaven or Hell. They didn't know much about either. Here are some facts.
Have you seen the new Movie "Christ the Passion"? I have seen it and have a some information about it. If you want to see my review, take a look!
Is the Bible really true? Here are some current eventswhich were predicted years ago by the writers of the Bible. Take a look at the The Pathway that will point you to eternity.
Are you ready to Fly? I am. Jesus said He is coming back to take His children home. Here are some facts about The Rapture.
Read any good books lately? I have. Here are some treasures I have found.
Here are some links to Christian Sites that you may wish to visit. Some of them are personal pages and some are full time ministry pages.

Im working on some Bible helps. I have a few of them now with more to come. Check them out. If you have a suggestion of something you would like to see here, email me and I will try to oblige!
God's 10 Commandments Old Testament Parables New Testament Parables
Old Testament Miracles Miracles of Jesus Miracles of Holy Spirit
Guidelines for Families Contrast-Law vs. Grace Major Sermons in Acts
Paul's 2 Roman Imprisonments Compare:Adam and Christ Ten Myths Refuted
Types of Psalms Messianic Psalms Image of God in the Psalms

From time to time it seems that we go through things that we don't understand. I almost lost my husband to a stroke at age 49. We don't understand the purpose yet and may never know it. But God is in control and will show us someday and use it for His glory. When I prayed for help He gave me this verse. This is the second time he has reminded me of this.

Matthew 7:9, 10 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If he then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him.?

As a Christian, I support the Biblical view on political issues. I also support humanity. Here are some Issues that concern me and should concern all of us.
Just so we don't take life too seriously, I have some pages made that are "Just for Fun". Please take a look at them. You may get a smile or two.
I did my "homework" and found some facts on Wisconsin. It's a great place to live and a great place to raise a family .
I searched around the net and found a lot of midis. They are not the latest and greatest but they are the ones that are a little harder to find. They are categorized for easier navigation. Take as many as you like!
I have two new pages that might interest you.

These are some stories that I received via email. I don't know if they are true or not but they are heartwarming nonetheless.
These are some political articles emailed to me or found on the net. They are very good articles and worth reading.

Stop by, take a look and let me know what you think.

If you have a banner exchange and would like to exchange with me, please let me know so I can add your link. I do ask, however, that you have no adult content nor profanity, on your website. It must be safe for all.

I would like to thank everyone who came to my pages and presented me with an award. Your thoughtfulness was much appreciated. I made an effort to promote a clean, healthy,informative website that was pleasing to my Lord. If you find anything offensive in my pages or links, please inform me of this and I will correct the problem as soon as possible.

Please take time to sign my Guestworld guestbook and let me know you were here.

Have you read the "Left Behind Series" or seen any of the movies?
Click on the banner below to hear from Kirk Cameron, actor and
Christian, and from Ray Comfort, Christian Author and evangelist.

The Way of the Master

Read Ray Comfort's articles.
Articles are new each month, usually after the 15th.
Included on this page are the latest articles from Kirk Cameron. Kirk starred as Michael in the popular series Growing Pains and also as Buck in the movie series Left Behind

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