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Saturday, 20 September 2003
Our first new story is that Soccerchick16_2 and I finally got a E-mail station set up with Yahoo! If you have ANY questions on the guild E-mail and ask email us only on Fridays through Sundays and we will get back to you here is our address :

New story number two I finally got a CONTEST page! From now on go to the contest board every friday to read about the lotto information and then go to the post section to see the lotto numbers that were choosen who won and if the jack pot for the lotto went up! The link to this page in located on the side bar to your left under helpful links titled as contests please visit it a.s.a.p and read all the information is important! And the third story we have created a PUBLIC GUILD were you will recieve the password through neopets neomail.You will recieve the password from Zveka12 or Soccerchick16_2 The account will not be activated and that means you can not play games and make more than 1,000 nps the rules with this is you must tell Zveka12 or Soccerchick16_2 that you played on the account and that you played games You may not take more than 500 nps from the guild if you didnt earn it your self! If you play games you MUST donate money to the bank if you do not know how to do that you dont touch anything or make any sudgestions for the account. We Will NOT have a guild shop and also you cannot play Tombola or anything of that sort if one of us log on and find out that you did the whole group will be suspended for 5 days out of the guild and up to one month for a) Playing tombola B) STEALING money that is not yours (we will found out how many times you played the games and how much money you took) and C) makeing decisions that are not your choice (PUTTING OUR MASCOT IN THE POUND ADOPTING A PET AND MAKEING A PET) If you cant recieve neomail because your underaged and want to go on the account you need to email us and we will send you the password!

Posted by realm3/magicalimaginations at 12:44 AM EDT
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Thursday, 18 September 2003
Im so proud!LOTTO DAY! You now know how to enter the lotto so when your good and ready during Friday enter your neo account name and 6 numbers for our lotto drawing! Numbers will be up on saturday night at midnight or at saturday morning!

Posted by realm3/magicalimaginations at 8:17 PM EDT
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Monday, 15 September 2003
:+: Contest :+:
Today is the day where I tell allot you where to find the contests! So pay attention and read carefully I am only going to post this once!
.Lottery We have changed the way to get into the lottery! The lottery goes as follows,If you can visit the message board(message board on this website)then you say this for example ("LOTTO NUMBERS:123456 FOR TUTICUP99") but you do not say this whenever you get the chance.The days we have the lotto board available are on Fridays and Fridays ONLY! We check the lotto board first thing Saturday morning.And winners are anounced that same day.We choose the lotto numbers randomly before we check your results.Also scince you do not pay any neopoints for the lotto ticket or entry fee the amount you will recieve is as follows: 3 numbers in order as called-100 np ;3 out of order-50 ;4 in order-150 ;4 out of order-100 ;5 in order-180 ;5 out of order-160 ;6 in and out of order-200.In order to recieve the prize you must have atleast one non-expensive item up for trade all prizes must be claimed BEFORE Sunday morning.After that your prize becomes ashes or dung! So BEWARE!

Posted by realm3/magicalimaginations at 11:09 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 19 September 2003 2:48 PM EDT
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Sunday, 14 September 2003
:+: WELCOME :+:
Hey guys! Its me Zveka12! I created this site for all of you to see! I know its not much at all but it will be soon,I hope! But what this page is for is and extra space for you all to see what I or Soccerchick16_2 mean when we post in the guild! I know many of you that are underaged (ex:12) and have not filled out a neopets release form cannot see the message board,here you can see the latest news we have been rambling about in the guild! This page isnt supposed to be great or awesome but it is supposed to help you with your daily life in neopeia and activities in the guild! We will answer some questions that are probably running through your head some time this week,that is,if and when i have time,I do go to school you know!

Posted by realm3/magicalimaginations at 9:09 PM EDT
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