
American Chimera

Stand across from me
Put up your right hand
Smile a bit briefly
Briefly touch hands
You across and me down
Crissing and crossing
TV's with no sound

Dream a little dream
Travel the land
My dream is your dream
Dust can be sand

Under the stars
And under the stripes
Under the reds
And under the whites
Perhaps they are bars
Or blue blackened eyes
Eyes with no mouthes
Puffed up bastard disguise

Reaching and smacking
No friend and no fodder
Stripping and singing no money no farther

Dream a little dream
Hold out your hand
Share with yourself
The dream of this land

This side is your side
And that side is mine
Sharing is caring
So said the road sign
Highway and freeway
Street sign or road
My way or your way
Alleyway toad

Spitting and hissing
Cat got my mouse
Blood in the fur
All over the house
House in the hills
Across from the school
Under the sun
Where children are playing
With my father's old gun

Dream a little dream
Just hold my hand
Dream a little dream
Please save this land.

