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Welcome To We Are Pagans


    This group is for those people in Central Brevard County Florida whom self-identify as Pagan, those supporting Pagans and anyone seeking a truthful strong path. No matter your path, here we can intertwine our paths learn and grow in our spiritual selves by the sharing of beliefs, information and friendship in respectful discussions and gatherings. We are so glad you decided to stop by. Please take a few moments to look over the listing of what you will find on our little site.

    The links below are special links that have been written by our members. The links at the bottom of the page will help you to learn a little more about Wicca.




Wiccan Sabbat Songs



Candle Magic

Celtic Trees

Charge of the God

Charge of the Goddess



Glossary A-E

Glossary F-P

Glossary Q-Z

Invoking/Banishing Pentagrams Links Making Incense

Pagan Holidays

Pagan Humor Pagan Cartoons

Stones and Their Meanings


Wiccan Crossword Puzzle Wiccan Word Search        


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