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a.k.a. LunarMist DarknessEclipse

So I'm totally re-doing this site, because seriously? It sucked. Like, really really bad. I had two unfinished stories and no real organisation, so. Here we go. We'll start with sorting out the stories by fandom and if I have a crossover, it'll be posted in all fandom's that it touches, as well as under the crossover tag. Also, just to let you guys know, I have heavily into the slash. I enjoy it, and am mostly les-bi myself. If I get a review or an email or a pm flaming my slashiness, I will hate-mail you back. Just for kicks. Or possibly take your handle and create a gay character just for you. Got it? Good.

Other Places that host my work:


To send my reviews or shit like that you can send it to me at