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The Voices of WisdomsChildren
Saturday, 17 September 2005

Topic: A call for understanding
I greet you in the Names of That Which IS. Namaste.
I come before you this day to present an argument in favor of
non-Christians. Popular Christianity teaches that the Holy Spirit has descended upon the World.
In Acts 1:8, Jesus says, "But you shall receive power when the Holy
Spirit has come upon you...", and again in Matthew 12:31-32, Jesus teaches
"...every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the
Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks against the Son of Man,
it will be forgiven him, but whoever speaks against the Spirit, it will not
be forgiven, either in this age, or in the age to come..."
One of the most popular accusations that the "Chosen and Elect" level
against non-patriarchal religions is that the followers of these religions
blaspheme the Holy Spirit. I beg to differ with our Christian brethren.
All non-Christian religions honor and revere Spirit above all. The
Pentagram of the Witches has five points. They represent Earth, Air, Fire,
Water, and at the top, towering above all, is Spirit. Many of the Pagans
and Witches wear this ancient protective symbol, or have it hanging
somewhere in their homes. The Hindus honor the Indwelling Spirit, or all pervasive Brahman, in every living thing and
person. The Eastern
religions and spiritualities also honor That Which IS, or Spirit, above all.
Native Americans call upon the "Great Spirit", or "Grandfather". So, how
is it that these loving and faithful ones have blasphemed the Holy Spirit?
Pagan peoples the world over teach non-violence and reverence for
Nature, or in Judaeo-Christian parlance, God's creation. Popular
Christianity, on the other hand, teaches stewardship, but in reality their
practice has been control, harnessing, yoking and raping Nature for all She
has to offer.
Again, Pagan peoples teach reverence and respect for all of our
brothers and sisters. Even Alister Crowley, nicknamed "The Beast" and
accused of being a "devil worshipper" taught "Love under Will". The
Witches' Rede states, "An ye harm none, do as ye will, " with the
understanding that "harm none" means everyone and everything. Christians,
on the other hand, are exclusive, and deny any other religion its portion of
Spirit, or characterize that culture's perception of Spirit as a "demon."
Tell me, brothers and sisters, who has followed the command to honor
Spirit--the people who claim to follow the Master but condemn a gay man, or
a Witch who brings her sick neighbor herbal teas made from things she
lovingly grew in her own garden? Who has heeded Spirit, a Christian who
calls a Hindu a demon-worshipper, or a Jainist who will not even step on an
ant, for fear of causing pain and because he/she believes Spirit is
indwelling in all creatures?
This short sermon, my first, is a call to our Christian brothers and
sisters--not all of them, but those who feel "Chosen" and "Elect". Jesus
reserved the right to judge who would be "chosen" for Himself. He also said
for us to tend the log in our own eye, before attempting to remove the mote
in another's eye.
Spirit is not property, or a prize. Spirit descended upon the World,
and moves in every one of us. Namaste.
Reverend Dr. Anita L. Wynn
16 September, 2005

Posted by realm3/lone_wolf_girl at 5:00 PM EDT
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Friday, 2 September 2005

Topic: Open Letter/Pres. Bush
Dear Mr. President:
Please get this relief effort in gear. While you and I sit safely in our homes, with all we need and want, the people down South are suffering unimaginabe tortures, just wanting a mouthful of water. Please, I beg you in behalf of all of our brothers and sisters, quit talking about it, and DO something...before more people die. We live in the wealthiest, most powerful nation on Earth, and our people are DYING for want of the most basic, life-sustaining necessities, and as our elected president, it is your responsibility to care for those who are unable to do so at this time. I urge you to make haste, this time...every new death is now on your hands...Sincerely, Anita L. Wynn

Posted by realm3/lone_wolf_girl at 5:31 AM EDT
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Saturday, 20 August 2005
Join us!!
Topic: add your voice to ours...
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Posted by realm3/lone_wolf_girl at 10:47 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 3 August 2005
Welcome to The Voices of Wisdom's Children
Topic: Introduction
Hello!!! I would like to welcome all of you who will read or write here. I have thrown the doors open to my group, WisdomsChildren, an interfaith religios tolerance group, with members from amny cultures, and religious paths. We all seem to get along just fine...hmmm...
I would just like to say, as my opening statement, to the religious Right seems to me that you are quite correct...the Founding Fathers DID believe in creationism...however, and that is a LARGE HOWEVER, they did not see fit to declare the United States of America a Christian Nation, and guaranteed freedom of religion, leaving it to the individual conscience. Are you, then, wiser that Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Washington, and company? I think that would be a rather ridiculous statement on your part...or anyone's part. Hubris, ladies and gentlemen, pure and unadulterated hubris, on the part of the Right Wing extremists, is making enemies of domestic and world folk...I would like to point out that no less a personage than George Washington said that America was NOT a Christian nation. And my dear friend has said well, Freedom of religion means freesom of ALL religions. Hate is NOT a family value, and if you are teaching your Christian children to hate, then you've committed not only an atrocity against your own flesh and blood, but blasphemy against the Paraclete. Period.
I would also like to point out that no Eagle can fly with only one wing. They need two wings to soar. My name is WolfWoman. reply to this post if you like. I have no fear of your words, or your hate. But if you can learn to hold out your hand in peace, and try to accept me, as I accept you, then we may, somehow, find a way through the Extremist Darkness that has grown like a fungus on the beautiful heart of the most powerful nation on the Earth.

Posted by realm3/lone_wolf_girl at 9:09 PM EDT
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