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This is a product of NobleKitty

~Part II Melina Peacecraft and the T425~

-Open in the same shady room as seen in part one. The same shady figure is looming on his throne. Drako is in the room… he and this shady fellow are talking. They seem to be arguing. -

?:What do you mean you lost the prototype!?

Drako:I have not lost it. It was lost at sea when a giant sea monster attacked the transportation ship.

?:That is the prototype we were going to use as a guide to build our ultimate army!! Now it is gone!!

Drako:Yes Master…

? :Get out of here and find it!! I don’t care how long it takes you just find it, and don’t come back until you do!!

Drako:(bows head) Yes Master…it will be back in your hands soon. (He salutes and exits)

-Cut to a beautiful beach. Dancing along the sparkling ocean is a woman. She has blue hair and blue eyes as well. She wears a dark-blue vest with light-purple sleeves and light-purple pants to match. Her long thin sword clinks happily in its scabbard as she spins and twirls on her black boots. She is Melina Peacecraft a gipsy wonderer and entertainer. Then she sees it. Something shining along the coastline, curious, she gets closer to examine what it is. -


-back in the small village Noble, Saro and many others heard the scream as the village is close to that beach. -

Noble:Did you hear that!?

Saro:Yeah…lets go!

-Noble and Saro get up and run toward the town’s main entrance. A man stops them, as they are about to leave. -

Man:No! You kids stay here…

Noble:We are stronger than you!

Saro:Yeah! Let us pass!

Man:All right…we need all the help we can get, but stay close and be careful.

-They all follow the sounds of her screaming. They hit the edge of the beach and she is not in sight. Noble finds his way to the head of the crowd and scans the beach for movement. He gazes across the beach with his eyes and also casts his senses across the beach like radar. -

Noble:There (points) …she is over there.

-They all run over to the spot in which noble had pointed at. The smell of rotting flesh filled their nostrils. Melina came into view. She continued to scream at the top of her lungs.

Melina:He’s dead!!! OH MY GOD! He’s dead! He’s dead! He’s dead!

Saro:Who’s dead?

Melina, tears on her eyes, looks over at the water. Noble, Saro, and everyone else look at the exact point in which Melina looked. They saw a scruffy, banged up, half-naked man lying face down in the water. His skin was an off-white bluish color and had several moldy green spots on it. He had obviously been dead for quite a long wile. -

Noble:Well…we should give him a proper burial.

Saro:Yuck! Do we have to?

Noble:It would be the best thing to do.

-Noble, Saro, and various other adults from the village bend down to pick up the heavily decayed man so they can take him back to there village and bury him. Noble is the first to touch him. He grabs the man’s wrist. At that moment the man grabs Noble’s wrist with his other hand and sits up. –


Decayed Man: (Shutters and jolts as he speaks) I am the-the T425. Error! M-M-Mal-fun-fun-fun-ction mus-must repair-air!

-Still a little startled and freaked out they help the decayed man to his feet and take him back to the village so he may see a doctor. He is rambling on and on as they walk him to the village. Melina, confused and upset, decides that she will follow him into town as well. Back at the village they have taken him to the doctor.

Doctor:He seems to be healing…and quickly. We should let him rest here for the night.

Saro: Doctor…how could he still be alive?

Noble:He looked like…well…he looked like he was “broken.”

Melina: Do you think he was some sort of machine?

Doctor: Well…I took a blood sample so I know that he dose bleed…

Saro: He cant be all human can he?

Doctor: I have no idea what he is or how he could survive with his skin so decayed. I also cannot tell you how he is healing himself or who he is. These things are beyond my comprehension. Maybe he will tell you if you ask him tomorrow he will tell you.

Noble: That is a good idea! We’ll ask him tomorrow.

Doctor: You should also get him some new clothes! The ones he had were all beat up.

-They go to there homes and weight for the next day, which comes quicker than they thought…Noble leaves his house very early to see the strange man. When he gets to the hospital he finds that Saro and Melina are already weighting for him. Melina is holding a bundle of clothes for him and Saro has a small sack of food. They all go in and find their way to his room. Once inside they see him sleeping. He has no traces of green on his skin anymore. He in-fact looked quite normal…except for the fact that he was about 8 feet tall and had orange-red hair. Melina poked his side and he woke up. He sat up and opened his eyes, which were orange in color.-

Melina: Um…Hi! We brought you these!

-She hands him the clothes and Saro hands him the new clothes.-

T425: Thank you.(Puts on the shirt) Who are you?

Noble: I’m Noble Rineheart, That’s Saro Kiminah, and that is…weight…I don’t know your name.

Melina: I am Melina Peacecraft, a gypsy entertainer and wonderer!

T425: I am the T425…but I don’t like to be called by my number…this is my name…(he lifts up the sleeve of his new shirt to reveal a tattoo that has the word “Aust” over the number “T425”)…Aust is my name…or at least I think it is. I cant remember anything…

Saro: Nothing…?

Aust: Nope

Noble: We will do anything we can do to help.

Aust: Thank you all.

-who is Aust and why cant he remember…what did Drako and the mysterious mad-man want with him. How will his destiny and the destiny of Melina Peacecraft effect the lives of Noble and Saro…well…find out soon-

~End Part II~

Legend of Beast