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This is a product of NobleKitty

~Part 1: We meet Noble, and Saro too~

-Two men are in a shady room…one of them is covered in shadow; the other, Drako, is short with rough spiky black hair. Drako is wearing a black robe covering most of his body.

?: Drako...(waits for entry) is everything ready?

Drako: (Enters) Yes master. Preparations for your rule are set.

?: Excellent! My search for impending power is over! I will soon rule the world. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Drako: Yes master. (Crosses his arm over his chest as a salute and bows his head as he turns to take his leave and exeunt.)

-Fade out black…we then see a small village with a forest to the left and a meadow to the right. Pan over to the meadow to see a boy with catlike ears and a tail wearing a green long sleeve vest over a white shirt and white pants. He wears big brown gloves and small belts around his ankles but over his pants making them poof out at the bottom. He is swinging his short but reliable sword. -

Noble: Ho! Hah! Grraah!

-Noble swings his blade wildly…trying to perfect his technique. A young-looking girl runs up the hill. She wears a black vest, black shorts and a purple shirt. She also wears a spike bracelet on each wrist, one on her left ankle, and one around her neck. Her hair is separated into two giant purple pony-tail-looking tufts. Her tail, long and black with a bit of purple at the end, follows behind, for she is a wolf demon. -

Noble: (Without looking stops his training and props his blade on his shoulder and smiles.) Hey Saro.

Saro: How did you know it was I?

Noble: (Smiles again) Do you really have to ask? I can sense your presence.

Saro: Oh…I forgot about that. (Eyes Nobles blade) Are you done training today or can I join you?

Noble: Sure…There is enough field for the both of us.

Saro: (Wines) Noble! That’s not what I meant!

Noble: Ok…

Saro: Ok?…OK!

-Noble drops his sword from his shoulder and points it at Saro. This is a defensive position; he is allowing her the first attack. Saro draws her blade pulls it back and charges Noble. Saro swings…clash…Noble deflects her attack and counters with one of his own...clang...Saro pulls her sword up just in time to catch the attack. She whips her blade across his with so much force it knocks him off his feet. Quickly he regains his balance and whips his feet around so he will land correctly. He hits the ground with a soft thud. Just as he looks up he sees the gleam of Saro’s blade. Noble jumps as to avoid the attack and kicks back to do an even back flip. Mid-flip he spins with his blade outstretched so he may counter Saro’s previous attack. Alas, she ducked, Nobles attack missed. The moment he hit the ground…POW…Saro kicks him square in the chest. He is thrown several feet, he hits shoulder first into the ground, and rolls several more feet onto a tree. He slowly finds his way to his feet and braces himself against the tree for the attack he knew Saro would soon give him. Saro started to dash blade-first at Noble. Noble, the tree in hand suddenly had an idea. Take into mind that this was not a small tree. Saro attacks and Noble dodges. In one quick motion he whips back around behind the tree and…slash…cuts right threw it. As the tree starts to fall Saro runs full speed in the opposite direction trying effortlessly to ovoid the collision. You see Saro, like all the people of her race, can run and move much faster the must humans. Saro now out of the tree’s path of falling, waits for it to hit the ground so she can continue her attack. Noble pulls his blade into position as it starts to shine a green color. -


- He hits the tree with it releasing all the energy in his blade. The green energy rips and tears threw the tree as it falls. Noble, holding his blade to the tree waits for the moment it is full of his energy. Upon that moment he pulls his blade from the tree. The tree explodes with the great force of his energy just before it was to hit the ground. The shards of the tree, filled with Noble’s energy, hovers above the ground and at his command propel themselves at Saro. -

Saro: What is this!? (Realizes what is happening) Oh dear GOD!!!

-Saro gets her blade ready to try to defend herself but she knows that she could never block the overwhelming number of spikes. -

Saro: Someone…help me!!!

-At that moment a sudden gale struck the spikes sending most of the spikes in various directions. She now can block the remaining spikes flying in her general direction. Slash… Slash… Slash… She is safe but stunned by the power that Noble can create. She drops her blade. -

Saro: (Shocked) Ok…I’m done for today…um…Noble…How did you do that?

Noble: I don’t really know. Just one day during my training I swung my sword and bam! A blast of energy shot from my blade. It has taken me a long time to get this far with the attack but I still need to perfect it. (Looks down at his short-sword) It drains me of all my energy but still…its pretty cool huh…

Saro: (Nervous grin) Yeah…pretty cool…

Noble: So…what do you want to do now?

Saro: (Ponders) Well, I’m kind of hungry, lets get some lunch.

Noble: (Large grin) Yeah! I am in the mood for food!

-The two head off back towards the village…Noble stops suddenly…his ears perk up…he senses a demon-

Saro: What’s up cat-boy?

Noble: (Looks over his shoulder…then back at Saro) I sense something.

Saro: (Rolls eyes) You’re just paranoid, come on lets go.

Noble: Wait, Saro, maybe you are right but will you check to make sure.

-Saro too perks up her ears…she strains to hear everything she can (and she has VERY good hearing) and she takes a good sniff smelling the air around her. -

Saro: Nope…nothing.

Noble: (Shrugs) Maybe I am just paranoid. Lets go Saro.

-They start off toward a small diner. They take off there shoes and find a seat. The waitress soon greets them with a smile. She then asked for their orders. -

Saro: (glances at Noble) I think I am in the mood for some good beef stew. Mmmm… beef stew…

Noble: (looking at menu) Not me, I want the smoked salmon…Mmmm (licks lips)

Saro: (unsurprised look) typical cat…(grins)

-They have a great time eating and drinking their lunch. They joke and pick at each other all day unaware of their destiny. They are completely unaware of the journey that they will have to take in order to save the world. They just live day by day in their carefree lives. But soon their lives will dramatically change. Fade out black. -

~End part 1~

Legend of Beast