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« • ° ˚ ˜ ° • * ˚ ’ ∙ …₤ỉ₤ồ*Ŏя₤ĩ*Stδŕ… · ‘ ˚ * • ° ˜ ˚ ° • »

Hey Everyone!!! Look below, lol...yes...i am an obsessed fan, if you are too, than holla! lol...jp foo(z)...loling, anywayz, how waz everyone'z week? minez waz okay, the first 3 weekz of school are okee 2 i guess anywayz...i haven't been updating lately...but i will soon!!! im tryin 2 get more graphicz from my frendy...but she aint done yet...so there!

~*~Mah 411 en Diary~*~
~*~Legolas Quizzes~*~
~*~Oder Quizzes~*~
~*~Shout Outz~*~
~*~Krissy'z Syte~*~

Boing! Boing! Boing! I'm still tryin to add more stuff...ish still in da making lol..besydez i got skoo en all so ish hard fer meeh 2 go on ebryday...kk? Well...i'll let chu kno wit all da updates! oh yea...if u haven't read...no rite clickie clickie!

Deng! Das some tyte weed ball! lol...jp, i'll be addin it soon 2 da graphicz page...i just hafta let my prend kno aightey? anywayz...fer now...ish restricted! so dun even tink bout takin it foo! ish my weed ball!

Rite here ish anoder tingy i found...ish okay i guess...but i like it...