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The Phoenix

The Phoenix Glossary Bionic Soldiers – These are the main types of soldiers that are used to defend and patrol the Powerful Phoenix. These are not human; they are machines with extremely powerful AI that is unmatchable. They can last for up to 10 years if they don’t engage in combat. Mortality Fiends – These are fierce animals that have large fangs, and look similar to a bear. These are used to defend high-security rooms inside the Phoenix. Their leader is the Senate. If these animals catch you, you shouldn’t struggle, that’ll just make them torture you longer. Rage Soldiers – These soldiers are the main line of defense around the exterior of the phoenix. They are equip with dragon swords, and small blaze guns made from the Rupit smiths (Rupit is a race, look at bottom of page to see what they are) Rage Lour – These are animals with large claws, and unbelievable speed, rage soldiers ride on these great beasts, They have pulse laser guns attached to the side of their heads, and horns that go straight down its back and sides. They are only friendly towards their riders (the Rage Soldiers) and will tear up their enemies Runity Kingdom – This is the kingdom of which has an evil king (Mezzin Forgua), and all of his followers worship him, The king of this kingdom is the man that has spent millions of ken (ken is another word for money) to try and take over the Phoenix. Kingdom Phoenix – This is a massive kingdom on Planet Phoenix that is made up 12 people, and 4 different races (Borc, Laipander, Rupit and Pollinene). That is in charge of handling the phoenix. However there is another military base that is in charge of all the military that is guarding the phoenix, and all of the military on Planet Ropir. The reason they have military on the planet Ropir is because they are trying to destroy the evil emperors that are trying to take over the phoenix, so far they have killed 3 emperors during this year (a year on this planet is 739 earth days) Planet Ropir – This is a planet that is extremely massive, and is the leader of all the attacks on the phoenix. This planet’s capital is the Runity Kingdom. Runity Soldiers – This is the main army of Saju’s kingdom (Saju is leader of Runity Kingdom). They are equipped with knives, Kluo Guns, and Dragon Shields. The reason these soldiers are so special is because Hamikian Warriors trained each one of them, for months on end. Then they are tested, and if they pass, then they become a loyal link in Saju’s chain. Rui Assassins – This is a rare race that is on the brink of extinction, it is a beast that is also known as the Stealth Assassin, due to their ability go undetected through radars and censors, and it can go nearly completely invisible. They are equipping only with a knife and a Silent Hand. Dark Angels – This is a group of bandits that keeps repeating its mission to take over the phoenix, They are equip with the most high tech weaponry and armor, although they have never succeeded in breaching the defending Nui Rockets turrets (Nui Rocket turrets are like nuclear weapons but the only blow up in a small radius, but with the same amount of power as a real nuclear bomb) because they only come in small groups. Planet Z – Is the planet that is nearest to the phoenix, and it doesn’t plan to attack the Phoenix, but it doesn’t want to get in the way of all the war and multiple attacks on the phoenix, because if the blasts are to powerful, their planet could be destroyed. They are allies of the Phoenix; they aid them in time of war. Planet Phoenix – This is the planet that controls the phoenix, it is as large as 1000 suns, it is a massive military base, it’s only use is to fend off the enemies. The military count is unimaginable! Liptic Sniper Fiends – These units are hired snipers to help defend the phoenix; they are equipping with high tech sniper rifles. They fend off all enemies before they can even come close to the phoenix territory, although they cost so much the Phoenix Senate can only hire a small amount of them, but they help a lot. Black Demon King – This demon used to be the leader of the dark angles but he switched sides because he was being angered with the overwhelming defeat. He is one of a kind and is used to engulf small groups of bandits who cross into enemy territory and burn them with the flames of his snout or obliterate them with his massive body. Soldiers – These are the basic soldiers, equip with radars and Laipander Guns that shoot piercing light rays, they also have the basic armor. These protect the exterior of the phoenix territory and are used for bodyguards of the Senate and Generals, or if you can afford one. Mai Turrets – These Mai turrets shoot 3-50 phoenix bullets (phoenix bullets are light explosives, but paralyze the enemy for a long length of time) per second, they are used to paralyze small groups of enemies before they get into the territory, so the Rage Soldiers can destroy them. Puret Guns – These guns cost millions of ken because they are probably the best weaponry on the market. Planet Z is one of the very few planets that produce these guns. They shoot spirit flames, and have a heat censor to track a moving target. Also their explosive power is unmatchable for its size. Phoenix Core – This core is the power source for the whole phoenix, it is the one that produces trillions upon trillions of light volts (the phoenix runs of light volts, which is just like electricity volts, but instead with light) per second, in order to keep the phoenix running at full power, this is the only known thing in the universe that produces light volts. Guardian Dragons – these dragons are wise old creatures that aid the phoenix troops in time of need. There are only 3 known guardian dragons in the known universe. Rikki Beasts – These creatures are mutual beasts that live on a fantastic paradise planet. They choose not to get involved in the fight over the Phoenix, unless they are forced to. They are beasts with enormous strength. Planet Phoenix Control Room – This room is in charge of basically all explosives. They keep track of every mine, bomb, turret and machine on the Phoenix. Phoenix Territory – This is a very large establishment, mainly built upon military units surrounding the place to keep enemies from invading the phoenix. It has 25 watch towers, 3 capital buildings, 2 sets of galaxy walls (almost like a force field, but made with a strong mineral, that is nearly unbreakable) surrounding the territory at about 150 feet high – 400ft, the rest of the places are homes and barracks, along with machines that produce guns, bionic soldiers, and other weaponry and armor. Then there are many soldiers patrolling the whole place. Incase some bandits breach the main line of defense. The Phoenix – A light blast machine that has the most unimaginable and incomprehensible power. The Phoenix has only been used once in its whole existence, and it completely annihilated 3 races of fiends and beasts that have been part of the galaxy for 5000 years, while completely vaporizing 2 sectors of the known universe. It has never been used since then. Everyone is fighting for control over the phoenix, but as of now the Phoenix Senate is in control of it, and they will do anything to keep it upon their control. Also, the phoenix is connected to the planet Phoenix, that is where most of the battling goes on, very rarely people come from the part of the Phoenix that is unconnected to the planet, because that is the best defended area on the Phoenix. Lance Mopinstre – This man is the leader of the Bionic Soldiers and Rage Soldiers. He is respected throughout the whole planet of Phoenix. He also is in charge of all the machines that produce weapons and bionic soldiers Brandic – This man is in command of the Rage soldiers, and rules them with Lance. He was picked to be the leader through a difficult war with some Runity Soldiers and he proved to be the most courageous and lethal Rage soldier on the field. Parinis – Once the Leader of the Phoenix Core, but was murdered when he was in a small battle. He was known throughout the whole universe. He is a legend, and will always be remembered by the Phoenix People. Ken – These are of value; every market is based upon them. They are just like money; they have a picture of Parinis engraved on all of them. They are made out of Uio, a type of mineral. Laui Lasers – These lasers shoot pieces of iuo runes in the enemy and they usually burn through any armor within seconds. Pulse Bomb – These are little bomb launchers that shoot a little devise into the enemy and it goes straight into their stomach and eats away at the insides. It is used mainly by Runity Soldiers. Silent Hand – in other words is a gun that goes under your flesh and burns you from the inside while paralyzing the enemy. Radar Bombs – these are like mines but much more advanced, they have a radar built in them and if they sense an enemy on their radar they explode immediately, or if the man in the Control Room on Planet Phoenix wants it to explode, all he has to do is press a button. Demon Slaves – only Saju has the staff of Alkidore, which can make normal people become his slaves. When they become demon slaves they loose their mind and have no conscious. You can say they are undead… Black Soldiers – a small group of stealthy bounty hunters, looking for nothing but great wealth and respect. They are a new group of rebellions that wish to become the most notorious and popular group of hunters. Saju – This man is in charge of his own planet, which he rules by fear and destruction. His main goal in his life is to take control of the Phoenix, and virtually the rest of the universe. He will go to any length to destroy his enemies. Basically his whole empire is covered with military that he will use to ambush his enemies… Before he turned into a demon, he was once a human, but then he witnessed the slaughter of his whole family in the hands of a Demon. So he decided to become one of his own. After he takes over the Phoenix he plans to destroy Hakushin (the demon that killed his family and his whole village) Reflex Assault Warrior - This mechanical warrior is very effective in destroying large groups of enemies with its Liptic Sniper Beams, Radar Bombs, Mai Turrets, and its nearly impenetrable armor. People in a control room can either control these or someone inside the machine can control it. It’s extremely lethal. Planet Ropir is the only known planet that has these, mostly used for defense purposes. Space Airkins – A highly evolved space machine, it can travel at extremely fast speeds through space. The large versions (6.7) can hold up to 30 averaged sized creatures. And the small version (.7) can hold up to 3 people. There are many versions in between also. They have beds, bathrooms, food and lots of other important resources. They also have medium quality laser guns attached to them. -- The Story Of The Phoenix Lance Mopinstre (leader of the Bionic & Rage soldiers) sits silently, waiting, waiting for the footsteps of the senate. He was waiting for them in his base. He had a very important meeting with the senate; they wanted to talk to him about increasing the production rate for the weaponry, which are attached to the bionic soldiers. This would make Lance able to send more of his men to patrol the area outside of the Phoenix Territory, although the prices would have to increase, and they’d loose business to surrounding planets that buy things from the Phoenix and Planet Phoenix. Knock, Knock, Knock. “Hello, help your self to some tea if you’d like” Lance greeted. The senate shook their heads and sat down immediately, as they usually do because they are very busy people. “You know why we’re here, we’re here to discuss the production rate of the machines that your in charge of.” The senate said firmly. ”If you’ll just sign this then we’ll be on our way. And we trust you to start the new production rate as soon as we leave” Another man from the senate said. They handed a small paper with writing in the language of Laprith (used by the Laipanders). Lance knew this language very well, and had previously read the agreement so he signed it. ”Thank you lance, lets hope those bandits don’t come bother us while you are modifying the machines.” Said one of the senate members. Lance shakes his head of approval, and opens the door for the senate. Lance goes to his desk and covers his face in his hands, his eyes were blood shot, as they usually were, due to lack of sleep. He was getting tired of having to work night and day for the soldiers, he was a young man, and he had only been leader of the Bionic Soldiers for about 5 years. It was almost like a tradition, because his father used to lead the Lethal Night Warriors, which was an old-fashioned stealth warrior. Although on his fathers 21st year of being in control of them, he was assassinated by 3 people in the Dark Angle’s army, which had managed to breach the defense, without anyone knowing. Now they have more advanced radars to catch them. Lance’s main duty is to control all of the army units in the entire bases. Lance falls into a trance while re-living the near-death experience last year. When a large group of Rui Assassins (this was their first attack on the Phoenix) break into the Phoenix territory and kill over 2,000,000 soldiers within a 2-day period of raiding the whole place, but lucky for the Phoenix people, they met the Black Demon Dragon and he took out the soldiers all at once with his fiery breath and magic abilities. During the raid Lance was nearly killed with a simple 6 inch blade, when an assassin broke into his base and sliced him up a few times… Soon some Rage Soldiers (also controlled by Lance) were patrolling the outside of the Phoenix Territory. Then suddenly a group of 7 Rage Soldiers hear growling and snapping, they all run in the direction of the noise. It was a group of Rage Lours; they were circling an area where they caught a Runity Kingdom Messenger. Soon the Rage Soldiers find the Messenger and order a Mui turret to fire immediately. ”Commander, we have another Messenger from the Runity Kingdom. I think—“ A large thunder-like BOOM just hit the messenger. He was paralyzed from the neck down and collapsed from the rumbling that the bomb made. ”Sorry sir, we had to paralyze the Messenger incase he was packin’ some guns. Anyways, do you want us to bring him to you Lance or should we take the note and blow him away?” When the Messenger heard this he started shaking and pleaded to let him live. He kept saying that he was just the messenger and did not support what the Runity Kingdom was doing, because he was forced to do this. Within minutes there was a group of around 100 Rage Soldiers surrounding the Messenger. ”Hello Soldier, Do you believe the messenger is an enemy or an innocent citizen of Planet Ropir?” said Lance while yawning. ”We can’t afford to take risks, Sir” ”Do what you must then” Lance said firmly ”Give me the note from your cowardly leader, Saju, you filthy animal!” the lead Rage Soldier screamed. The Messenger turned his head and nudged it to his raggy old shirt pocket. He couldn’t get it himself since he was directly hit by the paralyzing turrets. One of the Rage Soldiers goes down to take the note from the Messenger. It read: _____________________ Dear Planet Phoenix, You will meet your end soon, some of you sooner than others, perhaps the ones reading this card! Since all of the people reading this card will die horrible death, I might as well say that I will attack your kingdom with full force, and you will be shattered, I suggest you start making your white flags, either die or become my demon slaves…when I arrive you should see what I mean. You all will become my slaves to make my kingdom bigger. Ill see you on the day of the ambush! Your King, Saju _____________________ there was a low murmur going through the crowd of Rage Soldiers and Lours about the note. They all starred at the messenger. He had the most sinister grin on his face. “FIRE!!” yelled the leader of the Rage soldiers (Brandic). Soon there was nothing left on the ground except a few pieces of guts scattered around. All the Rage soldiers looked at the body and say that sinister grin tattooed on his dead face. Suddenly one of the Rage Soldiers started screaming and running around. “It’s a self-exploding bomb!!! RUN!!!” Within seconds all the soldiers were scattering around. Although they didn’t move fast enough, because the bomb had an extremely powerful punch for such a small devise…most of the Rage Soldiers were completely burnt to death through the powerful blast, there were nothing but bits and pieces of soldiers throughout the whole place. The few Rage soldiers that survived were badly burned and in extreme condition. Soon a very large group of soldiers and military officials came running to the blast. Right behind them was Lance… Lance walks up to the area with the most corpses, immediately he orders the bodies to be picked up and to be properly buried in the cemetery. He walks over to the messenger, and notices how badly burnt he was, and the only thing he could see were bones. He picked up the dead corpse and tore off the skull with his two hands, while the rest of the units were watching Lance, one of the military officials told Lance to calm down… Then Lance realized he was screaming, and everyone was looking at him. ”Go on now! Start burying those bodies, and make them good graves, right next to the fountain of Elirith.” ”Yes, Sir!” said the soldiers and medics that were surrounding the corpse site. Lance crouches down and looks at all the bodies of the hundreds of rage soldiers. They never even stood a chance against the bomb. “That Coward! He had killed so many Rage Soldiers that were brought to their doom by a gutless man with a bomb!” Lance takes the skull of the man and walks back into the military base. “Saju, I swear to you, I will make you feel 5 times the amount of pain my soldiers did this grief-stricken day.” * * * ”Lord Saju, Sir, there is a large group of Black Soldiers at our gates and they are demanding to see our leader. Do you want our Sniper Fiends to take care of them or would you like to see them, Sir?” said one of Saju’s loyal servants. Saju, while sitting on his dark throne in the shadows of his kingdom, rises from his throne and takes his snake-like fingers and moves them slowly across his neck. ”Yes, Sir, I’ll tell the Sniper Fiends to make them—“ the door to Saju’s kingdom bash’s open before the servant could finish off his sentence. ”My royal Saju, I have envied you for a long time, and now I wish to aid you in your battle over the phoenix.” Says one of the Black Soldiers. Right after he says this a crowd of about 300 advanced soldiers march up behind him. ”Me and my army of Black Soldiers will help you take over the Phoenix. As you can see my army is small, but they could do more damage than you may think. Please, Lord Saju, give me and my army a chance!” Saju sits back in his throne and grins. Then suddenly Saju growls and roars like a lion, and at this sound an extremely big crowd of Runity Soldiers, at least 10,000. The whole army that was just called up by Saju was in perfect stance and then they instantly pointed their Kluo Guns at the Black Soldiers. One of Saju’s generals walk up beside his throne and starts to laugh. ”Look at your pitiful army. You say you want to help us take over the Phoenix? How can you possibly help US take over the Phoenix, your army is just made up of a couple hundred amateur soldiers. Their armor is just made up of scrap metal from a junkyard!” at this comment all the soldiers laughed loudly and for a long time. The general kept on talking, “Give our lord, Saju, a reason why we should not feed you to our fiends!” The leader of the Black Soldiers took a few steps closer to the throne and said, “It may look like we are a bunch of amateur soldiers trying to make some money, but our weapons have come from a very sacred place. They were made by a race of people that has their whole lives dedicated to making weaponry. We can help you greatly because our weapons can disable thousands of machines or if you’d like us to go to Planet Z and get you some Puret Guns. Now I think that will help you in taking over the Phoenix, will it not?” Slowly Saju stood up and came into the light so all of the Black soldiers could see his face. He looked very angered with this interruption. He finally stood up and said to all of the Black Soldiers, “You all will have one chance, if you fail in bringing us Puret Guns then every single last one of you will be thrown in the Volcano. We will pay you 100,000 ken for each gun.” After Saju said this he walked away into a private room of his kingdom. Right before he shut the door to his private sanctuary he howled like a wolf about to eat its helpless pray. As soon as the Black Warriors heard this they grunted, and left the kingdom. The Runity Soldiers go outside to make sure the Black Soldier start on their mission soon… ”We will get you your guns in a week.” Said one of the leaders of the Black Soldiers. After he said this every single Black Soldier jumped in their Space Airkins, and flew off to the Planet Z to start their mission. * * * “Have you ever seen such a horrible sight Lance?” asked Lei, one of Lances Assistants as she handed him photos of the battle that took place a short while ago. Lance nodded as he took a sip of his drink. Just then Lance’s phone rings, and he immediately picks it up. After a few words Lance got out of his chair in his home and heads for the door. ”Lance! What’s wrong! What was that about?” asked Lei ”Well James just notified me that we have discovered a new planet that has orbited into our sector, and it has absolutely no identification. I’m going to go check it out.” Said Lance quickly. Lance didn’t know whether the new planet would be an aid in the war over the phoenix, or an enemy. Although he knew he’d find out. Lance stepped inside his Spacecraft and just before he left he ordered an army to join him on the planet. After the army arrived they all left for the planet. * * * ”King, this is an emergency. It seems as though some sort of alien has entered our atmosphere in some sort of space ship. What should we do?” yelled one of the lieutenants of the ‘new planet’. As soon as he said this Lance and his army landed in a big empty desert. Soon they were swarmed with warriors and people dressed in long gowns with big staff’s. ”Who are you! Where have you come from!” said a random warrior. Lance was astonished at what he saw at this moment. He was starring at thousands of Mage’s, Phoenix’s, Barbarians, Ogres, Warlocks, Wizards, Necromancers and animals that were ready to attack. He knew that his army stood no chance, because he had heard about this planet before. ”We are friendly, do not attack, we wish to come in peace!” yelled lance to all the warriors. ”Let me Speak with your leader!” said Lance a short while later. Just then a man walked through the crowds with his guards in front and back of him. ”Come to my palace allies, we can discuss matters there.” Lance walked into the palace while gazing at all the guards surrounding it. He watched king sit on his beautiful throne, then one of his slaves pulled up a large and comfortable chair for Lance to sit on. Then the king signaled for all of his guards to leave the palace. It was just Lance and the King now. ”I have come from another planet called Planet Phoenix, and never have I seen so many old age warriors as I have on this planet. Why haven’t you advanced like we have, in the 43 millennium” asked Lance ”I do not know what you taking about. We are the longest lasting planet in the history of time, we have lost track how long we have been here billions of years ago. We don’t rely on technology we have all we need. Our mages are our most valuable race; they provide protection and assault abilities. Our barbarians are our longest surviving race, with unimaginable brute force. Our Phoenix’s are very rare but aid us vastly in wars. Our Ogres are our front line of attack incase enemies invade us, because they are just about undefeatable. Warlocks are our weapon makers and armor makers. Our Wizards provide magical spells that can penetrate enemy’s defenses, and at the same time keep them from attacks. Also, one of my Dragons could take out your whole army right now. So don’t you tell me about advancing” Said the King ”Um, I do not plan on attacking you, in fact I want to become allies with you.” After Lance was done explaining the whole story about the Phoenix to King Lathas, he agreed to come to Planet Phoenix and live there, and help them in their fight over the Phoenix. Even though it took some negotiating Lance got King Lathas to agree to move to Planet Phoenix permanently. Lance said that he would provide more advanced weaponry and armory to King Lathas army. He also agreed to pay each one of his warriors a very hansom amount every week. Also, he said he’d provide housing and unlimited amounts of food for each warrior. Soon Lance, his army, the king, and the whole planets population (which was only in the millions considering how small the planet was) were waiting on all of the spacecrafts to arrive and ship them to the Phoenix. Lance couldn’t even hear himself talk because every single living thing on that planet was grunting and yelling and clashing their weapons together. All of a sudden every single thing went completely silent. Lance could hear his heart beating it was so quite. Then he realized why it had got so quite. He looked up into the sky and he couldn’t even see the clouds because the whole place was being swarmed with their transportation. It was a weird site to see, so many spaceships landing on one spot. Soon all of the ships had landed on the planet and were ready to take everybody to the Planet Phoenix. Lance wasn’t worried about the planet being over-populated because as they were now they only took up about 8% of the planet, because it is as big as 1000 suns. ”Sir, we are ready for immediate take off to Planet Phoenix. Oh and the Senate wants to talk with you as soon as you come back.” Said one of the people coming out of the Space Crafts. ”Tell your people to enter our space ships.” Said Lance as he and his small army entered the ‘leading space craft’ Lance stared walking into the spacecraft when he heard the Lathas speak in an alien tongue to his people. Lance just never-minded it and walked into the spacecraft, and then he turned around and saw every warrior stomping into each spacecraft. All of them were in the spacecrafts and ready to go within seconds. * * *
