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Knights of Bastok

Rules and Requirements

1.) Must be Bastokan

2.) Rank 3+ and level 25+ (unless you have been waived)

3.) Must participate in meetings and events that will take place.

4.) No one is to know about what we do or say in our meetings.

5.) If and when we go to war (Ballista) there will be a meeting before it to discuss what strategies to use.

6.) Everyone must report that they are online just incase an emergency Expeditionary force will take place.

7.) You must respect your higher ranking knights in the LS for they will guide you if u need any help or questions.

8.) Ranks will depend on your lvl gear and knowledge of being a paladin.

9.) If sum one is in a higher rank that only one person can be in. and you meet the requirements you can challenge him to a hate competition and a test where who answers the questions right will take the position.
10.) Respect all fellow paladins that are in the LS.

Hate competitions

Hate competitions are where to paladins in the LS fight a monster to see who can keep the most hate through out the fight. The winner will receive rank points and the loser does not gain nor lose any rank points. Hate competitions are done and an event for fun,or if someone meets the requirements for an officer position where only a limited amount of people have. The person may challenge the officer in a hate challenge which is only one out of the two steps to get his/her position.

Hate competition Rules<,/br>
1.) You can only challenge people in your rank.

2.) The person that is higher lvl will have restrictions.
br>3.) If the challenge is a 5 lvl difference highest lvl cannot use flash.

4.) Only a lower rank can challenge a higher rank ( no rank points can be attained for this).

5.) There are three fights to determine who wins the challenge.

6.) Winner gets receives his rank points once battle is completed and judged.

7.) Only high ranking officers will judge and the leader.
8.) You can only challenge the same person once a week.

9.) Lower ranks can challenge an outside paladin there lvl to receive rank points if there is no one there rank to challenge.

Ranking structure

(listed from highest rank to lowest)

Valor Knights 60-75 (4 positions)

Gallant Knights 50-59

Knights 30-49

Soldiers 20-29

Footmen 10-19

( the leader is the highest ranking position which is he is called Commanding Knight of the republic.)

Ranking requirements

1.)Valor Knight must meet the lvl stated and have full AF gear. The amount of rank points needed is 50.

2.)Gallant Knights must have 3 pieces of Iron Musketeer armor.(40 rank points)

3.)Knights must have full Scale Mail armor , the new Eisen armor, 2 pieces of Iron Musketeer armor or Royal Squire armor.(30 rank points)

4.)Soldiers must have full Beetle armor, atleast chain mail body armor or full Brass mail. (20 rank points)

5.) Footmen must have full mail armor, full bone armor or anything within the levels 10-19.(10 rank point)

Obtaining Rank points

Rank points are easy to get. The ways to get rank points will be listed below and how many rank points are given.

1.)Helping someone in the LS with leveling is 1 point.

2.)Helping someone with in game rank is 2 points.

3.)Helping people with quests are 2 points.

4.)Hate challenges are 5 points.
5.) Helping someone with AF is 7 points.

6.)Completing Genkai 1 is 10 points.

( If u do any of these you must report it to an officer or the leader so it can be put in a file so that your rank points can be tallied.)


All high ranking officers must participate in ballista once a month. The lower ranks must participate in ballista as much as they can or in Expeditionary Force.

Hitting level 60

Hitting level 60 is a big accomplishment for all Paladins. So once a fellow paladin hits level 60 and has full AF there will be a ceremonial party in Bastok. We will have the Ceremony in Metal Works and hang out in the bar in Port Bastok to celebrate. Once a good amount of people hit 63 we can try to get Jelly rings for all Paladins who can or are close to using it.