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Hello, My Sister!

Your special friend, William Henry Lewis here.

As you may know, I am the co-founder of Xtravagant Worship (XW) and the [human] developer of BASIC TRAINING DISCIPLESHIP SYSTEMS.

The web page you are viewing is a special "private" page created just for you. This personalized web page (including ALL its audio contents) is confidential and should only be accessed by you, the individual for whom it was created. There are no exceptions to this rule. I am told that this service could be permanently discontinued if unauthorized access is ever obtained by others. Should you feel that there has been a breach in security or confidentiality, please notify me and I will immediately change your URL.

[NOTE: At this time, you can also access this page by using the following tiny URL:]

In the future, other web pages will be created for special groups, squads, classes, etc. These will also be confidential and only accessed by the particular groups for which they are created.

An official "enlistment" will be open VERY soon. At that time, you will have the option to fully and officially begin your transformation in the appropriate branch of training determined by the Holy Spirit and myself, or decline the invitation to receive this higher level of attention in your spiritual journey.

Again, I reiterate from the BT Welcome page: As we begin to enforce radical change in our own lives, we are divinely challenged to take this revival of RAPID-Transformation to others whom are desperate for change, hungry for Truth and ripe for spiritual revival.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Friend, Co-Laborer & Servant,

Wm. Henry Lewis

Here are some audio-communications that have been personally directed to you:


Thu; 2005.12.01 - 5:55 AM ...Leaving Indy... [19 mins.]

Thu; 2005.12.01 [at the airport] ...a better perspective on God's will [20 mins.]

Thu; 2005.12.01 [on the plane] ...addendum [7 mins.]

Thu; 2005.12.01 [taking off] ...conclusion (pt 1) [2 mins.]

Thu; 2005.12.01 [in flight] ...conclusion (pt 2) [3 mins.]