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~Kingdom of Kîtarisa~

*As you walk along in the forest, you see faint light. What is it? Picking up the pace, your senses become more aware. As you approach, the light becomes brighter, and you can hear a singing. The song is of a strange tongue. One not usually heard. Looking far ahead, you see a tree. The light is coming from it. And is seems to be that little creatures are flitting about. Walking you approach them. One turns and looks at you. "Vedui'" It says to you. That is what means greetings, in their toungue. Studying the creature you find, it is no taller than 3 inches. Mystical wings sprout from its back. The creature wears a blue dress, fitting it snuggly. A fairy, you realize. Yes, and beyond the fairy lies the Kingdom of Kîtarisa.* Do you enter the magical land? Or do you turn around? Beyond is adventure, romance, and much more. More than any can dream of.


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