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Welcome to the Cyberhome of Paddington, Chelsea, and Kensington (aka Kensi)

We're so glad you stopped by!     (Next time, bring us some biscuits!!!  BilJac biscuits are our favorite!)

Hello everyone!  My name is Paddington.  I'd like to tell you a little about my sisters and me.

Once upon a time I was a very happy only child.  One day I sent my mommy out for biscuits and she must have misunderstood.   Instead of going to the doggie goody store, she went to visit an animal shelter called Pet Guards.  Much to my surprise, she came home with a big red girlie-dog named Chelsea and kept calling her my "sister."  It took me a couple of days but I finally got used to her.  (I'd never admit it to mommy but I kinda like having Chelsea around.  She plays with me and keeps me entertained while mommy is at work.)  For seven blissful months we had the house all to ourselves.   Christmas time came and while mommy was putting up our tree, we took all the stuff out of the boxes for her and helped her fill our stockings with fuzzy toys and yummy biscuits.  My mommy went out shopping with Grandma to buy us more Christmas presents and she must have taken a wrong turn.  She came home, not with more presents, but with yet another sister!  She explained to us that she had taken Grandma to a place called the pound to get her a doggie like us for Christmas.  Not only did Grandma get a little doggie (I'm told his name is Pepe), mommy came out with a puppy too.  Her name is Kensington but we call her Kensi.  Mommy said that they were going to put my new sister to sleep the very next day and she thought we wouldn't mind if she came to live with us instead.  She was just a tiny baby then so we figured we might as well let her stay.  Little did we know that she was going to be gigantic!

We are the poster children for adopting a homeless animal instead of buying from a pet store.  Shelters and the dog pound are like a doggie never know what you might find.  There are so many wonderful doggies just waiting for you to show up and give them a home.  We know when you save us from "the shot" and we try to pay you back with as much love and kisses as we can give!

I hope this web site will give you some good ideas for finding the homeless animal that's right for you.