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Shienar lies in the northeast flanked by the Mountains of Dhoom and the Spine of the World. Forming a wedge that leads into Tarwin's Gap, it is the last bastion of civilization bordering the corruption of the Blight and the dangers of the Aiel Waste. The only neighboring country of Arafel lies to the west while a wilderness interspersed with ruins and a few independent townsteads occupy the south.


Formed early in the War of the Hundred Years, Shienar is one of the northern nations resulting from a conference of Hawkwing's governors of the five northern provinces. To preserve the peace and defend against the Blight, they agreed to form stable nations. The first Queen of Shienar was Merean Tihomar.


Shienar is a monarchy under King Easar of House Togita. The capital city of Fal Moran lies at near the center of the country. The banner is of a black swooping hawk on a field of three blue and two white horizontal stripes. By convention, the sigil of the reigning ruler is the sigil of Shienar.


Shienaran warriors are easily identifiable, as they wear their hair in a topknot, with their head shaved around it. Each one is a walking arsenal wearing one or two long-swords strapped to their backs with a broadsword, axe, or mace at their belt. Armor is a combination of leather, mail and plate covered with a surcoat bearing the nation's sigil of a black hawk. Considered the finest heavy cavalry throughout the world, these warriors wield fighting lances from atop powerful warhorses armored with steel barding to protect the vulnerable head, neck and chest.

The cities closer to the Blightborder, such as Fal Dara, represent the fighting spirit of Shienar. Built for strength and beauty, the city-fortress is centered upon hills to gain a broad view of the countryside. The ground is cleared for a mile around the city where nothing taller than short grass is allowed to grow. This reduces the possibility of an undetected approach by hostile forces. With the exception of the surrounding farms, everything is enclosed within the heavy iron gates and stone walls that comprise the city. Buildings have sharply-peaked roofs with slanted chimneys and eaves sloping almost to the ground to prevent ice build-up during the fierce winters. Farmers are sheltered in the towns during Trolloc raids, which are frequent and brutal, or when war is declared. Like all cities along the Blightborder, no man may be permitted to wear a hood or cover their face within the city walls. This is to prevent Myrddraal, known as Eyeless, from gaining admittance to the cities. Also, the city streets are well lighted to eliminate any shadows Myrddraal might utilize to appear and disappear.

People & Culture

Known for winters cold enough to cause trees to burst as their sap freezes, Shienar is within sight of the Blight and its unnatural heat oppressive enough to gnaw away at the spirit of the hardiest man. The duality of this environment is a harsh training ground fashioning an extremely rugged people.

Divided into regions, the nation is governed and protected by the Noble Houses. The primary duty of these noble houses is to provide military forces for combating the denizens of the Blight. Many men train as warriors, pledging to one of the Noble Houses. They are fierce and tenacious in battle holding honor, strength and skill above all else. The day a soldier receives his sword is considered his nameday. The encroachment of the Blight and sporadic Trolloc raids on farms and villages is a major influence upon the Shienaran warrior's view of life: the quality of life is all that that matters, not material wealth that can be gained. They also trace their origins to the Earth to which they wish to return after their final breath. Soldiers are buried without shroud, coffin, or clothes under the epitaph: "Last embrace of the Mother welcome you home."

The Shienarans recognition of life's brevity is reflected in their art and architecture. Taking a minimalist view, both untilize simple lines and a distinct lack of excessive ornamentation. These two qualities combine to create a severe beauty that represents their cultural belief. The people have a love of ceremony, including ritual greetings and partings for honored guests. Members of all classes are extremely polite, even to their enemies. Men are particularly chivalrous and respectful of women. Detailed customs dictate the behavior of each gender towards the other. Shienaran women never duel and do not train with weapons. The apartments for men and women are separated. The shatayan (head housekeeper) and the shambayan (head butler) are positions of great power in the Borderlands. Aes Sedai are honored and respected. Known as Builders, Ogiers are held in great esteem even though their work in Shienar has long since been destroyed by past wars and time. While there is a class system, all Shienarans are treated fairly and with respect. One place where rank is not observed is the common baths.

Fighting men shave most of their heads, leaving only a topknot they tie back with a leather thong. Servants to Nobles wear livery in the Noble House colors. Those of a menial position wear bowl haircuts and leather jackets. Men wear shirts, tight trousers and jackets adorned with embroidery on the collar and arms. Women wear modest long dresses embroidered on the bodice. Class distinctions are indicated in the quality of cut and cloth.

Noble Houses

House Togita
  Sigil: Black Hawk on stripes of white and blue
  Seat of Power: Fal Moran
  Members: King Easar

House Jagad
  Sigil: Three Running Red Foxes on a Field of Blue
  Seat of Power: Fal Dara
  Members: Lord Agelmar, Lady Amalisa, Elansu (Shatayan),
    Ronan (Shambayan)

House Shinowa
  Sigil: Grey Owl on a Field of Red
  Members: Lord Ingtar

House Yokata
  Sigil: Grey Galloping Stallion on a Field of Green
  Seat of Power: Fal Eisen
  Members: Lord Kayen, Luisine (Shatayan), Misune (Shambayan)

House Chulin
  Sigil: Red Hummingbird on a Field of Gold
  Seat of Power: Ankor Dail
  Members: Lord Angdain, Lady Alesune (Shatayan of Fal Moran)

Other sigils:
  Rearing White Unicorn on a Field of Gold
  White Hart on a Field of Black
  Standing Black Bear on a Field of Green
  Silver Salmon on a Field of Blue
  Gold Bull on a Field of Green
  Silver Deer on a Field of White
  Blue Heron on a Field of Gold
  Snarling Blue Leopard on a Field of Grey

Cities & Towns

Fal Moran
  Type: Capital City, heavily fortified
  Location: Center

Fal Dara
  Type: fortified city, central fortress and keep
  Location: NNE, near the Mountains of Dhoom

Ankor Dail
  Type: fortified city, central fortress and keep
  Location: East, guarding the Niamh Passes

Mos Shirare
  Type: fortified city, central fortress and keep
  Location: W

Fal Sion
  Type: fortified city, central fortress and keep
  Location: SE

Fal Eisen
  Type: fortified city, central fortress and keep
  Location: ENE, near Tarwin's Gap and the
    Howling Caves

Camron Caan
  Type: fortified city, central fortress and keep
  Location: SW

  Type: small village
  Location: southern border

Significant Shienarans

Agelmar Jagad
Introduction: The Eye of the World, Chapter 46
Title(s): Lord of House Jagad, Lord of Fal Dara
  Hard faced man with a shaved head except for a topknot of pure white hair
  Brother to Amalisa Jagad and nephew of King Easar Togita.
  Resides at Fal Dara
  Considered one of the greatest military minds in the world
  Accompanied King Easar along with other Borderland country rulers south to search for Rand al'Thor

Amalisa Jagad
Introduction: The Great Hunt, Chapter 4
Title(s): Lady of House Jagad
  Short, mature beauty
   Sister of Agelmar Jagad and niece to King Easar
  Lives with her brother in Fal Dara Keep

Easar Togita
Introduction: The Path of Daggers, Prologue
Title(s): King of Shienar, High Seat of House Togita
  Short and slight, a white topknot resides on head despite a lack of wrinkles
  Uncle to Agelmar and Amalisa Jagad
  Resides at Fal Moran
  Widower of eleven years, continues to mourn loss of wife
  Joins other Boderland rulers in search for Rand al'Thor

Ingtar Shinowa
Introduction: The Eye of the World, Chapter 46
Title(s): Lord of House Sinowa, Soldier of Fal Dara
  Stocky with dark eyes and head shaved except for top knot
  Reluctant Darkfriend high on the Council
  Let trollocs and Myrddraal into Fal Dara Keep to aid with Padan Fain's escape with the Horn of Valere
    and the Dagger of Shadar Logoth
  Led the search party on trail of Padan Fain hoping for salvation by blowing the Horn of Valere thus severing
    ties to the Dark One
  Died at Falme fighting Seanchan, after confessing to being a Darkfriend

Kayen Yokata
Introduction: Winter's Heart, Chapter 27
Title(s): Lord of House Yokata, Lord of Fal Eisen
  A sharp faced man with a harsh voice
  Resides at Fal Eisen
  Accompanied King Easar along with other Borderland country rulers south to search for Rand al'Thor

Alesune Chulin
Introduction: The Path of Daggers, Prologue
Title(s): Shatayan of House Togita
  Slim and fiery with thin white streaks in her long black hair
  Accompanied King Easar along with other Borderland country rulers south to search for Rand al'Thor

Introduction: The Great Hunt, Chapter 3
Title(s): Shatayan of Fal Dara Keep
  Sharp faced and strong willed
  She is in charge of all servants and their duties

Introduction: The Great Hunt, Chapter 8
Title(s): Lady
  Round faced
  A noblewoman and one of Lady Amalisa's attendants

Introduction: The Great Hunt, Chapter 2
Title(s): Shambayan at Fal Dara keep
  Tall, aged and withered
  A former soldier, once held the Jehaan Tower with twenty men against a thousand trollocs
  Died during the attack on Fal Dara keep protecting the Horn of Valere

Introduction: The Great Hunt, Chapter 9
Title(s): Soldier of Fal Dara
  Stout and stocky framed, friendly joking person
  Along with Nidao, saved Lord Agelmar at Tarwin's Gap
  A guard at Padan Fain's cell becoming corrupted and a Darfriend through exposure to Fain
  Found dead, along with Nidao, hanging from tree skinned alive by Ingtar's search party

Introduction: The Great Hunt, Chapter 9
Title(s): Sniffer
  Lean with lined face and graying hair
  Tracker for Ingtar's search party chasing the fleeing Padan Fain and trollocs
  Able to smell violence and those who perpetrated it, the greater the violence the longer it lingers

Masema Dagar
Introduction: The Great Hunt, Chapter 3
Title(s): Prophet of the Dragon
  Deep set eyes that never blink and a pale triangular scar on cheek
  Hates Aiel after three years of battles at Ankor Dail
  Formerly a soldier in Fal Dara, shaved topknot and began spreading word of the Dragon Reborn in Ghealdan
  Burns villages and enforces his own harsh laws according to what he believes the Dragon Reborn would do
    and killing those who don't follow

Introduction: The Great Hunt, 40
Title(s): Soldier of Fal Dara
  Reasonably nice
  Along with Changu, saved Lord Agelmar at Tarwin's Gap
  A guard at Padan Fain's cell becoming corrupted and a Darfriend through exposure to Fain
  Found dead, along with Changu, hanging from tree skinned alive by Ingtar's search party

Introduction: The Eye of the World, Chapter 46
Title(s): Soldier of Fal Dara
  Topknot of dark hair with a triangular white scar on one cheek from a Trolloc arrow
  Member of Ingtar's search party afterwards following Masema and then joined Salidir Aes Sedai becoming
    part of Gareth Bryne's heavy cavalry

Uno Nomeshta
Introduction: The Great Hunt, Chapter 3
Title(s): Soldier of Fal Dara
  Grizzled topknot with long scar down face; only one eye covered by a patch painted with a red, menacing eye
  Veteran of several campaigns in the Blight spanning a decade and served as Head Guard of Fal Dara Keep
    when not in the field
  Maintains discipline in troops with every other word he speaks is a curse
  Joined Salidar Aes Sedai as Commander of Heavy Cavalry under Gareth Bryne