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***All rules are subject to change and can be updated. Breaking these rules can result in being kicked from the room or even banned. In rare but super bad cases you can be perm banned. Do not harass the hosts over such a thing because you are responsible for your own actions.***


Basic Room Rules

Please check "HERE" for further information and guides.

  1. 1. No excessive cussing, bad language, profanity, or major pervertedness at all. The f-word is strictly forbidden, as is the s-word and b-word.


  3. 2. No mass whispering/PMing the players. Also, no advertising other rooms. Giving others sites to go to for pictures are fine, but be warned most are wary due to viruses.


  5. 3. No bots. No music/away scripts etc.... They are disruptive. Cut scripts and NPC scripts are allowed.


  7. 4. Always use OOC or (( )) when speaking Out Of Character. Also use the OOC room #CII_OOC for Out of Character discussions.


  9. 5. You can never outright ignore a player. (See Rules Of Ignore) This goes for outright ignoreing a player's actions in the room, as well as OOC problems causing the player to be ignored. If you have someone on ignore, please notify the hosts so they can keep the peace and be sure to make RPing easy on all who interact with those ignoring and being ignored.


  11. 6. No age requirements. No matter how young/old you are you can roleplay here. All people are welcome to join. Do not harass anyone about their age/gender/location. Harassment is not tolerated and can result in a perm ban.


  13. 7. No bright colors. Some colors are to be used for certain things only. This helps stop confusion.

  14. Action (blue) Speaking (black without the highlight) Action (purple) Speaking (dark gray) Speaking (raspberry/dark red) No No No No No No


  16. 8. Please keep in mind the listed symbols in example. This helps stop confusion.

  17.     :: Telepathy/Thought ::

  18.     (( OOC ))

  19.     < Language like Elven >

  20.     * Action *

  21.     " Speaking "

  22.     ~ NPC or Other Character Besides Current Character Speaking In Same Post ~


  24. 9. No D&D or AD&D stuffs here. No dice. This is all free form roleplay. Also, this free form roleplay is limited, meaning that if you, the player, can not explain the details of "how" and the mechanics behind an attack or defense, your character will pay for it. This is to test the skills and imagination of the player, as well as the abilities of the character. If you don't know how to block an attack, take the hit, or if it's aiming to kill, talk to the player in private and try to work something out if you don't want your character to die.


  26. 10. No time travel. No modern or futuristic stuffs. This is medieval fantasy. There -are- exceptions however. Things such as chocolate milk, goggles, glasses, trench coats, and some other items are allowed. No robots, lighters, guns, and such. When attempting to bring in an item and you are unsure of its acceptance, always ask a host. Also, respect their decisions on items not allowed. We have a list on such.


  28. 11. Serious RPers are those who take the time to add detail and not only explain where an attack is aimed and what it is, but -how- it is done. And no using fancy words.. If it can't be explained in simple terms without getting into physics and the Laws of the World as well as "theory", then it's not a fair attack or defense. All attacks must have at least three ways to counter/block/dodge/avoid. Also, no multiple posting. There are exceptions for para-RPers who type paragraphs.. But don't be annoying with a single action for every post for ten lines. Things like that are annoying to most RPers and it will bring about complaints and a warning to that player who is complained about.


  30. 12. Players -can- be voted out of a room with logical reasoning for such, such as grammar, taking IC to OOC and visa-versa, harassment/rudeness, and other issues... Voting privileges are gained by being a regular in the room and a good RPer/Player.


  32. 13. Try to keep posts limited to four cuts. No need to write up an entire story, but don’t forget that detail is good to have. If a Player types up on line it doesn’t leave much to the imagination sometimes and those who type more may not want to interact. Those who type up pages may also make Players not want to interact due to too much detail, and way too much to read.


  34. 14. Character size. No bigger than 25ft tall and 50ft long. Even though characters can be bigger, this is the limit for CII. Too many players have abused this rule with Inn-crushing dragons, massive giants, characters miles big, etc... If your character is too big, either shrink said character to fit the rules, or don’t RP that character.


  36. 15. There are no specific race limitations but use common sense when building a character. Don’t make "sides" of a character in clones or otherwise. Do not mismatch species and races in an unbalanced manner that ends up with something like part vampire/werewolf/angel/demon/cat as a single character. Also, try to avoid joining into "character fads" as in, someone has a dragon character that people really like. Now everyone will make a dragon character to gain attention from the already existing character and other people. Now the room is flooded with dragons. A week later the same thing happens with kid characters, werewolves, then characters who are pregnant. Flooding the room with "character fads" does not gain attention or respect. It’s annoying and will be dealt with based on quality/popularity/establishment of the character and player.


  38. 16. The only Player run establishment as pertains to bar/tavern/inn is CII, and the only other establishments, such as pubs, and bars, are PURELY npc driven.


    Battle Rules

    1. No teleporting, disappearing, phasing, warping, or anything like that during a battle. It’s a cheap way to get out of a fight. But it’s ok if the people involved in the fight all agree on using it. When not in a battle this is ok. It is also alright to teleport/disappear -after- you defend against a attack as long as you don’t attack back or speak in a manner that will aggravate the character and give them further reason to attack. EX: Teasing, Insulting, etc..

    2. If you speak after someone has made an attack on you, then you’re hit. For this reason you need to state the opponent’s name in battle rather than using him/her/it too often. How else will someone know they’re being attacked? The same goes for general actions. Be sure to include the name of who you are looking at/interacting with at some point. Always go Out Of Character when getting information on a fight and this can be used limited in the room or take it to private msgs. Of course lag and other things will be taken into consideration.

    3. It doesn’t hurt to take a hit. This even improves the quality of the roleplay and makes things more interesting. We don’t take peoples' words for fights. You should log your fights and have people around that can stick up and vouch for what’s happened so you can present things to a host. Also, no reflecting spells back at the casters.. It's lame.

    4. No powergaming, autos, or modes. No god-like characters. (Certain roleplays can be taken into consideration with limited power. Speak to a host about this. Please note that the roleplay world/realm can’t be destroyed/altered drastically, and the same goes for the Inn itself. Noting the change of weather and the phases of the moon is fine.)

    5. Every character has a soul. A "soul" in this roleplay sense is defined as their life force, spirit, that sort of thing. Souls cannot be destroyed. A soul can be captured or roam freely. If a soul is gone then that character can’t return. Don’t simply kill and capture a character’s soul for an Out Of Character reason. This will be dealt with harshly. A character cannot be revived unless the killer says it’s alright and a host is present.

    6. Group fighting or two (or more) on one is allowed but must be agreed on by all people involved. You can’t disagree with the fact of it after you’ve started to fight. State it Out Of Character that you don’t agree. If you don’t then the fight is allowed and whatever happens happens.

    7. Time... Timing and post/time issues are determined in that one post is your turn. Want to fire multiple arrows from a bow? Say you do such rather then making multiple posts on shooting and expect the other players to account in time for that action. A player can walk from the lake to the inn in one post, therefor the player determines the timing of their character alone and not others and how they respond.


    Killing Characters

  40. 1. Fighting is a fact of life in RP. You can’t simply ignore it but you can avoid it and escape from it, or duke it out. Death is something that will and does happen, even if the Player doesn’t want their Character to die. By RPing in CII, Players must know their Characters can die if they don’t have a way to escape/block/dodge/defend logically without making modes. Death is not always a bad thing.


  42. 2. Characters can be resurrected with a logical, able reason and process. The Player who’s Character killed the deceased –should- be asked about permission of resurrection. Those who are jerks and pester others, or who have no reason to keep a character dead, or who are simply unavailable can be over ruled by a discussion between Hosts.


  44. 3. Keep in mind, killers, that sometimes when a Character dies, the Player may not bring them back. They may have ideals against resurrections. You may be killing off a story that may never return. Also, despite this is a game, some Players grow attached to their Characters, keep that in mind also.


  46. Rules Of Ignore


  47. 1. In order to file an ignore you have to send a host the log(s) of what happened and a statement of your reason(s) why you wish to ignore this person. If the person is a host you follow the same steps. An ignore can be sent for any reason, but you must state the reason(s) in the first place. Ones that come up after the fact won’t be counted.


  49. 2. The hosts can question you and the other person. They can even have you both be in a private room and talk things out to settle the differences of what’s going on


  51. 3. You can ignore a person for a number of different reasons depending on what’s happened. The most common one is that this person makes you feel extremely uncomfortable Out Of Character. (In character does not count because it’s all a matter of roleplay. You can’t ignore someone because their character has picked to attack yours, however repeated offenses with other characters can and will be dealt with.)


  53. 4. You might be able to ignore just that character or any and all characters the person may play. This depends on what is going on.


  55. 5. If you are on ignore then don’t interact with the person ignoring you at all. Don’t even acknowledge them. If you are ignoring someone then don’t take advantage of it and edge the person on to upset them with actions or words. Don’t speak about each other at all. It’s ok to not be grownup but don’t be childish to the point it’s insulting for those who really are kids. You make fools of your selves that way and we laugh at you. Hahaha.


  57. 6. For you people who are role playing with people who are ignoring each other: Try not to get too involved. Be sure to come up with a compromise to where all characters understand what’s going on without imposing on the others rights to ignore. Try to work things out. If things can’t be worked out then don’t roleplay. You can always ask a host for help in this situation.


  59. 7. A Player can not ignore a character’s presence or actions unless that Player is on ignore. A Character can ignore another Character’s actions and presence, but it should be stated in action that the Character is ignoring that. To simply overlook someone’s entrance/words/actions is rude and unrealistic, but if it happens it must be stated in action for a reaction. Also, please do not strive to gain attention by taking advantage of this by flashy entrances, loud noises, rude actions, falling over into the area, crashing, crawling in all beat up, begging, bumping into things, crying, etc... Do not do that excessively because it –does- get annoying and that’s why many players choose to ignore things. This rule is made in attempt to break that habit, but it will be modified if Players abuse it. Remember, a few disrespectful and careless Players can ruin the fun for everyone.



  62. ©Crescent Isle Inn 2005. All text has been legally documented as belonging to CII in usage, in idea and function. The Players of CII and other people have worked hard and put effort into this. To steal their work and ideas and/or modify them is wrong and will be dealt with harshly. The artwork belongs to the artists, not the players or CII. Permission of use has been documented.