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The Sith(Dark Jedi) use the dark side of the force. Unlike Jedi, they use their emotions to do battle. Anger, hate, and rage are a few examples. What most do not know is that the Sith were once one spiecies. Laying undiscovered on there home planet. It would be their discovery and teachings of their religion and"Dark Magic" that would create the first Dark Jedi. The first Dark Jedi came shorlty after the founding of the Jedi Order. They were rogue Jedi who focused on the darker side of the force. After leaving the Jedi Order, the Dark Jedi established their own. This new breed of Jedi created an imbalance in the Force. After the formation of this Order, the Jedi Order no longer permitted its students and Knights to study the dark side of the force. Over many thousands of years the Dark Jedi, the Sith and the Jedi would battle many times. The original Sith would eventually be beaten by the Dark Jedi Order, who would soon after take the name"Sith".

After many battles over thousands of years, only two Sith remained. Darth Bane, Sith Lord and his apprentice, Darth Seer. The fled to Coruscant and stayed hidden. Bane was the first to establish the "Rule of Two". Only two Sith would rule at one time. A Sith Lord and A Sith Apprentice. After Darth Baned died of old age, Darth Seer took on the title of Sith Lord. After doing so he recruited a new apprentice, Darth Mongerer. It was then that Darth Seer made the word "Darth" which meant "shadow warrior" equal to the word "Lord", in honor of Bane. Lord Mongerer was eventually confronted and defeated by a Jedi. However, Mongerer did not let this Jedi know that he was a Sith. His Apprentice would assume the role of Sith Lord.

Two centuries into the secret Sith occupation of Coruscant came the Sith Master, Darth Gilgon . Gilgon took on an apprenctice named Augor. After the Death of Lord Gilgon, Darth Augor would go on to become one of the most powerful Sith masters of all time. After slaying dozens of Jedi, He was ambushed by 17 Jedi. Among them was the well Jedi, Yoda, who at the time was only between 150-200 years old.

Over the next few centuries New sith Lords came and went. Norius Havok, Darth Frordon, Baltimort, and Imperius were the last few Sith Lords Before the Clone Wars. After Imperius killed his master, Lord Baltimort, he found his apprectice on the planet of Naboo. A young boy named Dantius Palpatine. Imperius named his new apprentice Darth Sidious. As Sidious got old, he also got stronger. He finally killed his master by cutting off this arms then finishing him by slicing him in half, from head to feet. Darth Sidious later took his old Name Palpatine and established himself in the Galactic Senate. Over the period of many years, he took on several apprectices, one of which broke the "Rule of Two" and took on his own apprectice/s. Sidious found out and slew his apprence and his students. He then took on a new Zabrak appretice whom he named Darth Maul. Maul is well known for his double bladed light saber and for killing Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn in a battle nic-named "Duel of Fates". After Slaying Qui-Gon Jinn, he himslef was killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jinn's Padawan. Finally Sidious found his final apprentice; a young Jedi named Anakin Skywalker. Sidious tutored Anakin in private and eventually turned him to the dark side. Anakin comes to be Darth Vader.


Anakin was born into slavery on the planet of Tatooine. At a young age he showed great skill in mechanics and reflexes. He was also one of the only humans in the universe who had fast enought reflexes to PODrace. He was discovered and set free by Qui-Gon Jinn. Jinn vowed to train Anakin as a Jedi, despite the council's refusal. He believed Anakin to be "The Chosen One", the one who could bring the force back into balance. Jinn was killed before he could start Anakin's training. Obi-Wan promised Jinn just before he died that he would take Anakin on as his Padawan. Anakin survived many adventures with Obi-wan, including The Battle of Geonosis, and The Clone Wars. After the death of his wife, Padme, Anakin was filled with rage and soon turned to the Dark Side. He was then known to be Darth Vader. After his fall, he help destroy virtually all the Jedi in the Jedi Purge.

Not much is know about this Sith Lord. It is known that his home planet is Iridonia. He vowed to get revenge on the Jedi for all but wiping out the Sith. His Master was Darth Sidious. Sidious gave his apprentice the task of tracking down Queen Amidala. He tracked her to the planet of Tatooine. He surprised Qui-Gon Jinn when he came in fast on a speeder. Maul relentlessly pounded away at Qui-Gon. Jinn was able to hold off Maul until he could jump to saftey aboard Amidala's ship. Maul caught up with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan on Naboo. Maul fought the two Jedi at the same time with a double bladed light saber. He held off the attacks and was able to seperate to two Jedi. Soon after, he killed Qui-Gon with a well placed reverse lunge. Obi-Wan watched his mastrer die and was enraged. Obi-Wan's loss of control almost killed him when Maul pushed him into a reactor shaft. Obi-Wan was able to get Qui-Gons saber and slice Maul in two after a suprise jump over him.

Count Dooku was trained in the Jedi Order. Dooku was once the Padawan of Master Yoda and once master to Qui-Gon Jinn. He left the Order because of political differences with the Jedi Council. Dooku didn't think the Jedi should server the Republic. Dooku was present on Geonosis when the Battle of Geonosis took place. At that battle, Dooku fought and injured Obi-wan Kenobi. He also fought Anakin Skywalker, beating him as well by cutting off Anakins arm. Obi-wan and Anakin were saved when Yoda arrived and fought Dooku off. Dooku fled to Coruscant where he met with his current master, Darth Sidious. It is rumored that he was finally defeated by Anakin after he killed Anakin's wife, Padme.