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Welcome to Imersion, the online web saga. By the reading this site you will discover the truth of a decade old secret known to only to true truthseekers like yourself. Images you'll see here like the picture on the upper-left hand corner of this page are illustrations I've created to help you visualize important moments that happened in this story.

I would like to congratulate for finding this site. I will be updating this site almost always on a bi-weekly basis with new segments, images, music (Get Real Player) and layout improvements.


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MUSIC SAMPLE: Mother Earth of Dishonesty PART1 from the Phantasy Star Online OST

How the Segment system works? Each segment links to another segment. So Segment 1 leads to Segment 2. Now here's the tricky part. Segment 2 is a branching segment. A branching segment is an uncertain area in the story that could have happened in two or more different ways based on certain evidence. The first segment where this occurs is after Segment 2. It has two possible outcomes: Segment +2 and Segment -2. There are links to these two outcomes on the Segment 2 page. Once you have read Segment +2 or -2 continue on to the next segment with the same symbol by it (at this point it's + OR -). So, if you decided to go to Segment +2 the next Segment you should read is Segment +3. But if you decided to read Segment -2 the next Segment you should read is Segment -3. Get it?

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