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Still Back There Monitering This And My Other Internet Actvities?

Are those of you at the Burlington Public Library still back there monitering this and all of my other internet actvities?
I could say, shame on you, but that won't phase you in the least, predictably so.
All of you back there had better learn the importance of developing the moral conscience and ignore the mandates set forth by the so-called "Patriot Act"., because those who yearn for or believe present-tense , that a little government snooping will magically go a long way in achieving the freedom we crave.
Or perhaps, people like yourselves don't want freedom anymore. It's too much hassle and needs to replaced by total security. Then, and only then, do we delude ourselves into believing we are "safe".
Safe from whom? People like me? Or your own government?
I can hear you back there commenting about things I view on the internet out here. The timing of your comments is uncanny and too much of a coincidence to be "coincidence". I can hear you and I've set up a small listening device back there to transmit to a vehicle outside (sorry, not mine- too easy) and recorded. I planted the device back there during one of your extreme downtimes with very little staff and alot of patrons present.
Awhile ago, I "accidently" came through the rear, North enterence from the courtyard, only to do a quick scan and recon of your room back there.