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I am sorry for not having much information at this time, but it has been very difficult to speak with the family that understands exactly what is going on with her health. We are hoping to have more detailed information available in the next few days.

Darlene Dunmyer was just diagnosed with having Pancreatic and Liver cancer. She was told that it is in such advanced stages that there is no treatment to help prolong her life. She has just made a trip to Mexico in hopes that an experimental treatment might help her make it to see her daughter get married on September 11th 2004.

They have been having to drain their accounts to help pay for these treatments which was not covered by insurance, along with having Hospice come into their home to help keep Darlene comfortable.

If you would like to make a donation to help Darlene and her family out, feel free to use the donate button below which will take you to Paypal, where you can donate using your credit card.

Even if you can not help out by donating please pass this site along to all of your friends and family. She could also use lots of good thoughts and tons of prayers.