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Allington Show Results

1. Intro Class: Open for all horses with 0-5 points. basic walk-trot-canter.
1st-Desprado &Stevie
2nd-Kimma & Supreme Danger
3rd-Ryan & Autumn Forest
4th-Kelly & Reno
5th-Hight Top Socks&Stevie
6th-Last of Time &Stevie
Jelly Bean & Anger management
Blue Spot Trot &Stevie
Kelly & Bailey

2. Pre Novice: Horses to have gained 6-20 points. introduces basic lateral work and extensions
1st-Sam & Tossed flames 2nd-Fiona & Jungle Fever
5th-Nick & Diablo
6th-Sam & Poetry in motion Time To Zip it Up & Stevie

3. Novice: Horses to have gained 21-40 points. Includes rein-back, collection, extension and walk pirouettes
1st-Ryan & Jungle Magic
2nd-Luke & Zach
3rd-Fiona & lark's western girl

4. Medium: Horses to have gained 41-60 points. Involves half pass, flying changes and advanced collection. 1st-Nick & Jing
2nd-Lucy & Zodiac Moon

5. Prix st. George: Horses to have gained 61-100 pts. Includes Canter lead changes and passage.
1st-Lena & Street Smarts
2nd-Ryan & Jungle dancer
3rd-Kelly &Sharp shooter
4th-Fiona & Jungle Romance
5th-Ryan & genuine Diamonds
6th-Kelly & Bloomer
Lucy & Arctic paradise
