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About FUSS

F.U.S.S. stands for Friendship, Unity, Sharing, and Support. We are looking for other churches who are eager to join our group. We are currently small but very faithful and dedicated Christians who beleive in Christ. We are currently a new group forming, trying to find our place within the Richmond / Rosenberg area and our footing. We are praying that God will help us in our search for members and a footing. Our main age is between high school graduation, and about 30 yrs of age. This basically keeps it simple, and makes it easy for members to talk to eachother because of the age and expierence similiarities.

Objective of Fuss is to Provide help and assist those who are in need by providing a close friendship with others within the church.

  1. The goal is too provide a friendship within the community and fellow Christians.
  2. This will hopefully allow people too come in and feel comfortable too seek help with personal problems, to enjoy the friendship of others, enjoy games, to provide a comfortable and safe environment for sharing.
  3. We are here too provide a bond between people that will be healthy and helpful and that involves God.
  4. We are also here too provide an environment that will give people somewhere too go when they have no where else too go, when they have no one too turn to during a time of need.
  5. A combinaiton of many churchs and Christian religions.
  6. To assist couples in marriage, dating, courting, to help those in college, at work, and other places, so that they can feel like they have soemwhere to turn and friends that will listen.
  7. We are directed to the after high school until bout 30 years of age area. I know there will be some conflicts of interest but there will be some sub groups formed to adjsut to this. This is for us to learn and make us stronger during this trying time of our lives.

Brief Statement

Many young adults today have many problems in their lives, needing friends, mentors, counselors, and the sort. A lot of them may not feel comfortable talking too their parents or too school counselors, or others. This group will provide a comfort zone for them, where they feel safe and to give them somewhere too relieve stress, find advice and help, and hopefully too find help in their lives. They will hopefully feel like they have a purpose and a useful somewhere in society. We will do fundraisers, potlucks, dinners, etc to raise money to assist in various ways within the community. We will also help students study in classes and if we have the money, provide financial aid too students for college. There are so many obstacles that our young adults face in today’s society, this group will try to help lessen the burden the problem’s and show people the way to God. Now, we will have games, food, activities, and many things planned for the meetings. We will try to be active in the community, helping the needy, the poor, and the homeless. All this will take time, and with Gods assistance, and the help of people within the church, we can make this work. Thank you and God Bless.

This will be lead by Jonathan (Jon) Joki (Yokey) of St. Paul’s ELCA. For more information call 281-342-7700, email at or